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Where Did The Lost Tribes OF ISRAEL Go – To EUROPE!
One of the biggest mysteries of the Bible, is what on earth happened to the...
Who was Nathanael? Simon or Bartholomew?
What is the most logical conclusion to reach from the Gospel accounts?...
Was the apostle Simon a Canaanite?
Was the apostle Simon a Canaanite? Let's examine this and determine who was the true...
100 Proofs The Israelites Were White Parts 91-100
When translating the Old Testament scriptures, there are generally two primary sources, those being the...
Will A Third Temple At Jerusalem Be Re-built?
A third temple will never be rebuilt. Because there already has been a third temple...
Early Celtic Church Taught Two Seedline
What did the early Celtic Church make of the two seedline doctrine? Which was free...
What is the Early and Latter Rain?
We explore these prophetic events and their relation to the ultimate harvest...
The Wonder of Daniel’s 70 Weeks Prophecy
This prophecy is one of the most awe-inspiring in the Bible, and proves beyond a...
Are Europeans the Gentiles or the Israelites?
The term "Gentile" it not Hebrew or Greek and shouldn't be in the Bible at...
What is a Peacemaker?
We explore and identify the "peacemakers" whom Christ makes mention of during His Sermon on...
100 Proofs The Israelites Were White Parts 81-90
Throughout the Bible we frequently see the terms house, nation and family used in relation...
Is Jesus Christ God On Earth?
Christ is God the savior of His people. There is just one single God, not...
Gospel of Luke – CNT Audiobook
This is an audiobook of the CNT translation of Luke - one of the most...
Ch.3 History Of Australia & New Zealand
When Governor Hunter came to Australia in 1795, he brought with him, on board his...
100 Proofs The Israelites Were White Parts 71-80
The Europeans are the Israelites as we see in the Great Multitude of Revelation, the...
Ch.2 History Of Australia & New Zealand
This second chapter discusses the first instance of colonization by the British navy and the...
Ch.1 History of Australia & New Zealand
This is a detailed history of the discovery of Australia and New Zealand and these...
Gospel of Matthew (CNT) – Full Audiobook
The CNT is a translation of the New Testament by William Finck which strives to...
William Dampier – British Exploration of Australia
William Dampier, An adventurous Buccaneer who started his early career in the Americas, was a...
100 Proofs The Israelites Were White Parts 61-70
The Israelites were prophesied to get stronger and more powerful the further away they traveled...
Norse Mythology IS Bible Mythology
The religion of the early Norse exhibits customs and rituals which bear an amazing correspondence...
Ruth was NOT a Moabite
Ruth is known as "Ruth the Moabite." Does this mean she was a bastard? Did...
The Gospel of John – Christogenea New Testament – Audiobook
The account of John the Apostle bears a unique purpose among the four Gospels; emphasizing...
Are Europeans Born Under God’s Contract?
The Israelites swore to obey Yahweh's commandments on Mount Sinai. This oath was binding forever...
What is Christianity?
What is Christianity?
Apostolic Christianity has not been taught for over 1800 years...
Where are The Israelites in the New Testament? – In EUROPE!
This is an Audiobook of "The House of Israel in the new Testament" by Mrs...
Where Are The Kings of Judah Today? – In Europe!
The Kings of Judah were prophesied to always be ruling over the children of Israel...
The Giants Found in Sardinia
Many Giant remains have been discovered on the Island of Sardinia. Some of these Giants...
100 Proofs The Israelites Were White Parts 51-60
Malachi, the last Old Testament prophet, gives a bleak picture of the Levitical Priesthood during...
Should we be Baptized?
We understand that Christ was baptized so that Levitical laws pertaining to the sacrifice would...
What Really Happened in the Garden of Eden?
Understanding the fall was of Adam was caused by race-mixing, is the key to understanding...
The Parable of the Wheat and Tares
Christ's parables reveal the fates and destinies all the peoples in the world. One group...
The BIGGEST Identity Theft in History
The Europeans are the direct descendants of the Israelites from the Bible. They are the...
The 1000 Year Reign and Jacob’s Trouble
The 1000 Year Reign in Revelation is Europe turning Christian for a thousand years. This...
Why Was Christ Baptized?
Baptism was not a new ritual spun out of thin air: the baptism of Christ...
The pre-Islamic World and the Destruction of Classical Civilization
The Middle East originally was populated by Adamic Civilizations. The Assyrians, Persians, Medes and many...
What is Fornication?
If marriage is any legitimate sexual relation under the Law of God: then fornication must...
Abraham A Father of Many Nations
Abraham is the forefather of the Europeans. Yahweh promised Abraham, his seed would become many...
Sex Before Marriage is Impossible
So what is marriage then? The Bible makes it explicitly clear...
The Two “Men” of the Bible – Language Study
The word translated as "man" in most Bible translations primarily comes from three different words...
The Migrations of the 12 Tribes of Israel to Europe
A video showing the historical, Biblical and Archaeological Evidence for the Migrations of the 12...
Where is the Tribe of Dan Today?
Where is the Tribe of Dan today? We explore both the Biblical and secular accounts...
Did Ancient Hebrews Really “Fear the Sea”?
Here the Author Steven Collins challenges the ridiculous assertion that the Hebrews were not a...
Adam Was NOT The First Man: Part 2 (documentary)
We have elucidated that trees are common allegories for races of people in our scriptures...
Adam Was NOT The First Man: Part 1 (documentary)
A video documentary by Lion of Patmos exploring in-depth just how Adam was not the...
100 Proofs The Israelites Were White Parts 41-50
Throughout the Gospels, Christ used many allegories and metaphors to describe and distinguish His people...
Did The Vikings Colonize New Zealand Before The Maori?
New Zealand was colonized by Europeans far earlier than people realize. These colonists thrived long...
The Abrahamic Covenant – Audio Book – by E. Raymond Capt
This is an audio-book made by a friend of E Raymond Capt's popular book the...
100 Proofs The Israelites Were White Parts 31-40
There have been many thousands of Mesopotamian inscriptions which have been discovered since the expansion...
100 Proofs The Israelites Were White Parts 21-30
The earliest Greek writers describe the Hellenes (Greeks) as four distinct tribes, each with their...
100 Proofs The Israelites Were White Parts 11-20
Of all the Apostles, Paul was personally chosen by Christ to spread the gospel to...
100 Proofs The Israelites Were White Parts 1-10
We Europeans are everywhere, we are on every continent and in every corner of the...
100 Proofs The Israelites Were White – Part 17
Yahweh promised that the Israelites would become a mighty seafaring nation, in addition to being...
100 Proofs The Israelites Were White – Part 16
Wherever we Europeans have been and wherever we've gone, no matter how harsh the conditions...
100 Proofs The Israelites Were White – Part 15
Many people these days wonder what Yahshua (or Jesus) looked like. In fact, His appearance...
100 Proofs The Israelites Were White – Part 14
Many of our modern English words as well as words in other European languages originate...
Do we all Descend From Adam and Eve?
One question that often arises from reading the Bible, is do we all descend from...
100 Proofs The Israelites Were White – Part 13
In today’s world, it’s generally assumed as fact that the populations of the Middle East...
100 Proofs The Israelites Were White – Part 12
When Yahweh made His covenant with Abraham, He promised an eternal unconditional covenant with Abraham’s...
100 Proofs The Israelites Were White – Part 11
Out of all the Apostles, Paul was personally chosen by Christ and given a special...
100 Proofs The Israelites Were White – Part 10
Thousands of years ago, the Bible prophesied that the ancient Hebrew language of our forefather...
100 Proofs The Israelites Were White – Part 9
Christ did not come for everyone. In fact, Jesus (Yahshua) Christ specifically instructed His apostles...
100 Proofs The Israelites Were White – Part 8
When Noah stepped off the ark with his wife, their three sons, and three daughters-in-law...
100 Proofs The Israelites Were White – Part 7
Yahweh created man in His own image and likeness, says Genesis. That first man was...
100 Proofs The Israelites Were White Part 6
The enemies of Yahweh and His people like to claim that the ancient dispersed Israelites...
100 Proofs The Israelites Were White – Part 10B
The Hebrew alphabet and sounds evolved to form English, and these slides will show how...
100 Proofs The Israelites Were White Part 5
Only one race throughout history has called themselves Christians. “The nations shall see your righteousness...
100 Proofs The Israelites Were White Part 4
The Bible prophecies of Europeans spreading everywhere. The Bible clearly states that Jacob’s seed was...
100 Proofs The Israelites Were White Part 3
Historically, once a white European nation accepted Christianity, there was no going back. Christianity began...
100 Proofs The Israelites Were White Part 2
The Laws of Yahweh exclusively and only for the children of Israel.
Now that we know...
100 Proofs The Israelites Were White Part 1
We Europeans are everywhere. Of course, we’re mostly in Europe, the British Isles, North America...
PROOF The Sphinx, Pharaohs and Egyptians were White Caucasians
The Egyptians were originally white until they were overrun by Nubians. This video analyzes what...
The Adamic Civilization
This video shows the Adamic civilizations that blossomed after Noah's Ark. Which all originated from...
Where is the Tribe of DAN today?
The enigma of the 12 Lost Tribes of Israel has puzzled Bible scholars for centuries...
ODIN’S ANCESTRY An Amazing Timeline Going Back to 2000BC!
The amazing ancestry of Odin, his sons and their descendants. Many of the European Kings...
Top 10 Parables of Jesus Christ
When God himself came down in the flesh as a man he revealed secrets hidden...
The Ancestry of Julius Caesar (2000 BC)
Julius Caesar, one of the most famous people in our history. What most people...
Where Did The Lost Tribes of Israel go to? To EUROPE!
One of the biggest mysteries of the Bible, is where did the 12 Lost Tribes...
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