100 Proofs the Israelites Were White Video Series:

PROOF The Sphinx, Pharaohs and Egyptians were White Caucasians

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The Egyptians were originally white until they were overrun by black Nubians. This video analyzes what the Sphinx face would have looked like, clearly a white Caucasian.

This video was by ASuperEgytian, his description and channel link are below:

“The sphinx is not a black woman, did not have its nose destroyed by Napoleons troops, or any other negrocentric conspiracy theory. The proof is here. The 4th dynasty King Khafre’s image superimposed onto the sphinx and it matches perfectly.

The Arab historian al-Maqrīzī, writing in the 15th century, attributes the loss of the nose to iconoclasm by Muhammad Sa’im al-Dahr—a Sufi Muslim from the khanqah of Sa’id al-Su’ada—in AD 1378, upon finding the local peasants making offerings to the Sphinx in the hope of increasing their harvest. Enraged, he destroyed the nose, and was later hanged for vandalism. Al-Maqrīzī describes the Sphinx as the “talisman of the Nile” on which the locals believed the flood cycle depended.

There is also a story that the nose was broken off by a cannonball fired by Napoleon’s soldiers. Other variants indict British troops, the Mamluks, and others. Sketches of the Sphinx by the Dane Frederic Louis Norden, made in 1738 and published in 1757, show the Sphinx missing its nose. This predates Napoleon’s birth in 1769.”

ASuperEgyptian Channel:

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