100 Proofs the Israelites Were White Video Series:

Where is the Tribe of DAN today?

The enigma of the 12 Lost Tribes of Israel has puzzled Bible scholars for centuries. Millions of Israelites just simply vanished, were lost and disappeared from history forever, never to be seen or heard of again. That’s what the scholars claim, at least. Whilst around the same time period millions of people just magically appeared out of no where and became what we now generally call the Germanic tribes. I’m sure this is all just a big coincidence. Right? Welcome to the first part of a new series where we will uncover the truth of where each tribe of Israel is located today, where we will examine all the evidence, explore all the clues, uncover the lost history and piece together what everything we can find. We will start with the Tribe of Dan.

The Danaans / Danites in Greece

In the early Greek classical literature Diodorus Siculus mentions a Moses leading his people the Israelites out of Egypt during the Exodus into a region called Judea. This shows that are records of the 12 tribes even in the Greek classics.

“The leader of this colony was one Moses, a very wise and valiant man, who, after he had possessed himself of the country, amongst other cities, built that now most famous city, Jerusalem, and the temple there, which is so greatly revered among them. He instituted the holy rites and ceremonies with which they worship God; and made laws for the methodical government of the state. He also divided the people into twelve tribes” Diodorus Sicilus, Bibliotheca Historica 40.3

But also mentioned is that a vast number instead of following Moses rallied together and sailed to Greece. So many of the Greek were in fact Israelites, even though they didn’t realize.

“The Aliens [Israelites] were driven from the country [Egypt], and the most outstanding and active among them banded together and, as some say, were cast ashore in Greece and certain other regions, their leaders were notable men, chief among them being Danaus and Cadmus.” Diodorus Sicilus, Bibliotheca Historica 40.3

They were led by Zarah’s descendants Darda and Calchol. The Kingly line from Judah. This was the beginning of all Adamic nations would gradually being replaced by Israelites. The promise made to Abraham.

– Darda is known for settling the region that he named Dardania and later his descendants set up Troy.
– Calchol is known for setting up the city Thebes and introducing the Hebrew/Phoenician alphabet.
– But there is also another group that came with them called the “Danaans” or “Danoi”. They settled in Archaea, the northern part of the Pelopones Penisula of Greece, so they were also called “Archeans”.

They were said to have descended from a “Danaus the Egyptian”. He was a legendary leader and according to the legend he was the son of a “Belas”, King of Egypt. The truth no doubt got founded a bit and these were certainly the Israelite tribe of Dan, who was the son of Belhah.

The island Sardinia was even named after them. Shar-Dan-Ia meaning “Remnant of Dan”. It still bares that name today. Interesting that a place would bare the name of Dan.

The Viper's Trail of the tribe of Dan

Tribe of Dan The Viper's Trail

Jacob prophesied concerning the tribe of Dan that wherever his descendants were to go they would leave a serpent’s path. The snake, as it slithers along the ground, it leaves a trail or a track. In the same manner Dan’s descendants would do this by leaving signs and way-marks throughout their travels and the migration routes they followed. In other words they would name the places they traveled and settled in after their patriarch, Dan.

“Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path…” Genesis 49:17 KJV

We even see this demonstrated in the Old Testament, Dan originally lived in a territory next to Ephraim, Benjamin, Judah and the Philistines. During the Judges period, 600 Danites sought a new territory in the north of Canaan. On their way, they camped in a place in Judah, which the Danites called Mahaneh-dan, meaning “Camp of Dan”:

“And there went from thence of the family of the Danites, out of Zorah and out of Eshtaol, six hundred men appointed with weapons of war. And they went up and pitched in Kirjath-jearim, in Judah: wherefore they called that place Mahaneh-dan unto this day: behold, it is behind Kirjath-jearim.” Judges 18:11-12 KJV

After they had smitten the people of Laish with the sword and burned the city, they called the new city Dan:

“And they built a city, and dwelt therein. And they called the name of the city Dan, after the name of Dan their father, who was born unto Israel: howbeit the name of the city was Laish at the first.” Judges 18:28-29 KJV

The Children of Dan continued this practice throughout their migrations and we can find a trail of names all throughout Europe. In Hebrew there are no vowels, so the name Dan is written DN, or its Hebrew equivalent. Thus words like Dan, Din, Don, Dun, Den, or Dn, correspond to the name of Dan.

Just take a look at the names of the rivers of Europe, we have the Dan-ube, the Dan-ieper, the Dan-iester, the Dan-au, the Daci and Davi, the Dan, the Don, the U-Don, the Eri-don, and the thousands of others Dans and Dons of ancient and early geography. However it was not just limited to rivers, but also towns, cities, settlements and even entire nations would bare the name of Dan.

The Tuatha De Danaan

Tuatha De Danaan are the Tribe of Dan

The early history of Ireland tells us of a people called the Tuatha De Danaan, which literally means the ‘people of Dan’. They arrived in several waves of migrations roughly between 1200 and 800 BC. This would be around the judges period. When we examine the text of the book of Judges this fits perfectly. In the song of Deborah and Barak, it asks:

“Why did Dan remain in ships?” or “Dan abode in ships.” Judges 5:17 KJV

Within the original territory of tribe of Dan, there was the major port Joppa giving the tribe of Dan had access to ships and some must have been seafarers. Evidently some Danites at this time period chose to migrate rather than get involved in the battles. Some must have reached the coasts of Ireland.

Upon their arrival they conquered the Furbolgs, a race of people who were living in Ireland, who likely were Japethites. The Danites ruled Ireland until the later arrival of the Milesians who were another branch of the Israelites. They had several battles until peace was established, but from then on Ireland was ruled by the Milesians Kings.

This demonstrates how far and wide the Danites were traveling to. The Viper’s Trail was not just the rivers but many towns and settlement were named after Dan. In Northern Ireland we have Donegal which means ‘Fort of Dan’. In Scotland we have the river Don.

Throughout Europe we have many more guideposts and way-marks left by Dan. The city Dunkirk meaning ‘Church of Dan’, Dun-dee, Dunbar, Dunraven, E-din-burgh, and Lon-don. If anything this demonstrates that the tribe of Dan were continously migrating into Europe.

Denmark the 'Mark of Dan'

Denmark, the name of the modern country in Europe, north of Germany, literally means “Dan’s mark”, “Dan’s land”, “Dan’s last resting place”. It’s people are called “Danes”. According to their legends they originated from a patriarch called Dan. The first King allegedly to rule over Denmark was called Dan as well as many later Kings also were named Dan.

In addition, because at one time Denmark ruled all the surrounding regions, the whole region took its name from them — the ScanDINavian peninsula! Clearly, here are remnants of the people of DAN, who migrated westward overland from the Caucasus to their present location in northern Europe!

The serpent/dragon ships

The Ships constructed by the Norse, were long and slender, they were very lowdown. The shallow draft of Norse war ships had several advantages. The Norse could raid well inland by sailing far up rivers that were too shallow for typical sea-going vessels of the day. The Frankish kingdoms in present day France were shocked by Norse raids in unthinkable locations hundreds of kilometers (100+ miles) inland on rivers not thought to be navigable. 

In addition they had a Serpent or Dragon head placed on the front. Thus in many ways they sailed like snakes or serpents down the rivers or through the seas. When you consider this with the “Viper’s Trail” prophecy of the Danes, it is startling accurate. 

The Long Serpent  (“Ormen Lange”) was the most legendary warship and the pride of the Norwegian king Olav Tryggvason (995-1000). It was built on special orders of Tryggvason who had captured a similar but smaller dragonship. This one had to be far larger and more carefully put together.

Snorri Sturluson wrote in “Heimskringla” that it was exceptionally long, built on the model Drakkar, and its stem and stern were gilded. The ship was long, broad, high-sided and strongly timbered.

“The ship was a dragon…but this ship was far larger, and more carefully put together in all her parts…. The length of the keel that rested upon the grass was seventy-four ells…The Long Serpent had thirty-four benches for rowers. The head and the arched tail were both gilt, and the bulwarks were as high as in sea-going ships. This ship was the best and most costly ship ever made in Norway…”

The several meanings of 'Dan'

The other major prophecy is that Dan which can mean ‘to judge’, would judge the children of Israel as one of the tribes of Israel.

“Dan shall judge his people, As one of the tribes of Israel.” Genesis 49:16

However could this be a misunderstanding or a mistranslation? The word Dan, can also have other meanings than simply judge or to be judged. It can also mean to vindicate, to rule, to strive against, to contend with.

When it comes to prophecies, quite often it’s difficult if not impossible to tell what the prophecy is about until centuries or even thousands of years after the prophecy has happened. Then, you have the luxury of being able to look back and realize what the prophecy was all about. Would a better translation have been:

“Dan shall strive against his people, as one of the tribes of Israel.”
“Dan shall contend with his people, as one of the tribes of Israel.”

Is there any European nation or people who at one period contended with and strove against all the other European nations collectively at one time. Did the Danes raid, plunder and loot all the other tribes and nations of Europe by any chance?

The extent of the Vikings Raids

The Viking raids which largely involved the Danes and Norse peoples hit virtually every country in Europe:

– England (also partially invaded)

– Scotland (also partially invaded)

– Ireland (also partially invaded)

– Wales

– Brittany

– Frisia

– France (also partially invaded)

– Iberian states

– South Italian states

– Byzantium

– North African states

– Poland/Germany (also partially invaded)

– Estonia/Latvia/Lithuania (also partially invaded)

– Russia (also partially invaded)

– White sea Russia

– Ancient Bulgaria

– Persia

– Finland (also partially invaded)

– America/Vínland (also partially invaded)

– Greenland (Peacefully settled)

– Faroes (Peacefully settled)

– Iceland (Peacefully settled)

When we look at the entire prophecy with this information:

“Dan shall strive against his people, as one of the tribes of Israel. Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path, that biteth the horse heels, so that his rider shall fall backward. I have waited for thy salvation, O Lord.” Genesis 49:16-19 KJV

The raids certainly did cause the nations of Europe to tumble backwards and civilizations stagnated but this also have a positive effect. It caused the nations of Europe to unify and homogenize under a Christian Monarch. All coming together putting all their faith in God to overcome the invaders.

For example in England around 790AD before the Vikings arrived it was a hodgepodge of petty kingdoms and warring states. There were as many as 11 different Kingdoms on the main island (England, Wales and Scotland). They were continuously competing year by year claiming territory back and forth from each other. Once the Vikings arrived this all changed. As the raids increased they almost completely overwhelmed the Anglo-Saxon populace.

By 875 AD they controlled 2/3 of England and the only real holdout was Alfred the Great in Wessex and for a time even he was hiding in the marshes. By the time of his death in 899 AD however he had turned the tide and become the dominant ruler on the Island and the first known “King of the Anglo-Saxons”.

Similar circumstances occurred all throughout Europe. Eventually of course the Nordic countries themselves would become Christian but they were the very last ones. Thus the last part of the prophecy of “I have awaited for thy salvation” can only be referring to them being the last to accept Christ and Christianity.

I have pointed out that Odin was a king of Judah who led a portion of the Germanic tribes into Europe. They were Lost Tribes worshiping a king of Judah even if they didn’t realize it:


Norse Runes are Hebrew Runes

Norse/Viking Runes are Hebrew

When you examine the various forms of Norse Runes and compare them to the Hebrew/Phoenician alphabet. You will notice how strikingly similar to each other they are are. If we have an understanding that the Israelites migrated to Europe and that we are the same people as the Old Testament then it is certainly no surprise. We brought our alphabet and language with us including the Tribe of Dan.

Since our ancestors were deported by the Assyrians and for a time had prolonged interactions with their society, as well as the the Medes and the Persians. Our languages also picked up many of their words.

Greek also comes from the Phoenician alphabet and Latin from Greek. So whatever way you want to trace it, all of our languages share the same origin, from the Hebrews (our ancestors). Languages, dialects and alphabets are always continuously evolving. With the influence of the Catholic Church gradually all European countries homogenized their alphabets into the modern alphabet we have today.

Tribe of Dan not in the Book of Revelation

The Book of Revelation (chapter 7) tells us of 12000 from each tribe being sealed. To give a quick overview this chapter is about the incoming destruction of Rome and this part is where it is momentarily suspended while the tribes could be sealed. This assures that a sufficient number of Israelites would survive the judgement to come upon the empire. By this we know all the tribes of Israel are still alive today!

There is no tribe of Dan mentioned here, which gives us a historical clue as to the context of this sealing. The tribe of Dan is not mentioned because the main body of that tribe as Israel exists in the world at this time, but it is not within the bounds of the empire nor among those invading the empire, but rather they are already quite safe in Northern Europe.

Since Dan was for the most part up in Scandinavia it is not by the author of the Book of Revelation mentioned for that reason. But rest assured, the tribe of Dan is still with us today!


So if the tribe of Dan went to Europe and is still here and they were white, what did the other tribes look like? Would they not all be in Europe? In future videos we shall take a look at all the other tribes. Where they are, what their prophecies foretold and what it means today

The Europeans are the same people as the Old Testament the descendants of Jacob. When you read the Bible you are reading your own families book. The time is coming when our people will finally wake up.

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