100 Proofs The Israelites Were White - Part 10

Proof 10 - The Bible Prophesied Israel would have a New Language

Thousands of years ago, the Bible prophesied that the ancient Hebrew language of our forefather Abraham and his descendants, the twelve tribes of Israel, would die out permanently. Hebrew was to become a dead language, never to be revived. In its place, Yahweh would give a new language to the children of Israel. This new language would be a purer language, or a “better” language, one in which we would call upon His name, Jesus Christ. Just as the Promised Land was not the final destination for God’s people, neither was Hebrew to be our people’s final language. Yahweh had bigger plans for both our land and language. 

“For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the Lord, to serve him with one consent” (Zeph. 3:9).

The prophet Isaiah also foretold that Yahweh would speak to Israel in a new language, which was described as “stammering lips” and “another tongue.” We may wonder what these descriptions mean. In order to gain understanding, we need to view this prophecy and its idioms from the perspective of the people in Isaiah’s time. If our ancient Israelite ancestors from thousands of years ago were to hear us speaking modern English, our language would certainly sound like stammering lips and another tongue to them. “Stammering lips” would be speech hard to understand, and “tongue” simply means a language.

“For with stammering lips and another tongue will He speak to this people” (Isaiah 28:11).

This is an important prophecy because a people’s language is related to their identity. Since Yahweh promised that His people would have a new language, we should ask, “What is this new language? Do we speak it today?” If we white Europeans are the true descendants of Abraham — and we certainly are — surely we speak this new language? Well, of course we do! The “new language” is English. Think about it. English is the first language of the UK, America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and other native white countries. In addition, a huge portion of the native European people speak English fluently as their second language. In fact, English is the “lingua franca” or common language of white people and white civilization the world over. It is the “new language” of the Israelite people.

Almost every white person alive today (especially the younger generations) speaks or at least understands English. The most recognized Bible translation in the world is the King James Bible, an English translation, as well as other popular translations such as the New International Version, the American Standard Version, and many more. Since the Israelites were white and this promise of a new language was given to them, then only English — the language of white people — can be the new language of the children of Israel. Or, to put it another way, the identity of a people is related to their common language. English is ubiquitous amongst whites, the true Israelites, so we can say with certainty that the promised new language is English. What other language could it be?

Knowing this, what are we to think about the people who claim to have revived ancient Hebrew? Reviving a language that according to Yahweh’s plan was to die out? Are these people not denying the reality of God and His prophecy and calling Him a liar? To deny prophecy is to call God a liar. Denying, ignoring, or obfuscating prophecy is no small thing. In fact, it is blasphemy. The truth is that all modern so-called revived “Hebrew” languages are nothing like the ancient Hebrew our forefathers spoke. These reconstructed languages are merely pale shadows and bastardized versions of real Hebrew. Only pretend Israelites would go through the farce of speaking pretend Hebrew. But this is exactly what is happening today. 

One reason why fake Israelites get away with their deception of “revived” Hebrew is largely because our people are unaware that English and all modern European languages have their roots in ancient Hebrew. In fact, the Hebrew alphabet is the mother alphabet of all our white European languages. With a little study, it’s possible to trace how this is so. History shows us that during the ancient dispersions of the Israelites, the Phoenicians brought their Hebrew/Phoenician alphabet (these alphabets were identical) with them to Greece. As a result, the Greek alphabet derived from Hebrew. The Romans took the Greek alphabet and used it to form their Latin alphabet. Latin, in turn, heavily influenced all of our modern European languages, such as English, French, German, Dutch, Spanish, and so on. All the Germanic tribes were easily able to match the phonic sounds of their dialects to the Latin alphabet. Since all Europeans came from the same racial stock who originally spoke the same language (ancient Hebrew), we would expect them to adopt a Hebrew-based alphabet with ease. Thus, step by step, we can trace our European languages back to Hebrew. Isaiah’s prophecy of a new language for the Israelites has been fulfilled. We are using variations of the ancient Hebrew alphabet our Israelite ancestors used, just with a “new tongue” or a “purer language,” as the Bible states.

Phoenician is Hebrew

But certain modern deceivers twist and deny these historical linguistic facts by proclaiming that Hebrew and Phoenician are different and separate languages; that the Phoenician alphabet originated with the Canaanites; and that “modern Hebrew” is the real and original Hebrew language revived. All these claims are complete lies. Other frauds and deceivers — often academics — claim that ancient Hebrew was actually a Canaanite language that the Israelites adopted when they settled in the lands of Canaan. What they’re really saying is that the ancient Hebrews had no language of their own. That’s also a lie.

To counter these deceptions, we need only look at archeological findings. First of all, it can be proven that the Canaanites used cuneiform, a completely different writing system from Hebrew. Cuneiform was related to the Babylonian language. When the Israelites invaded the lands of Canaan and conquered them, the Canaanites sent multiple letters (documents called the Amarna Letters) to Egypt requesting military assistance. These clay tablet documents have been dug up out of the ground, and it can be plainly seen they were written in cuneiform. Since the Egyptians used hieroglyphics, there was no reason the Canaanites would write letters to them in cuneiform style unless cuneiform was the Canaanites’ own writing system

Secondly, it can be easily proven that the original Hebrew alphabet was identical to the early Phoenician alphabet. In fact, as we’ve covered in earlier Proofs, the Phoenicians were Israelites and both groups spoke the same language. This is shown by the numerous ancient clay tablets and inscriptions that have been unearthed across Palestine. These tablets span many centuries throughout the Kingdom period, and they are written in the Hebrew/Phoenician alphabet. But most importantly, this language only appeared in history after the Israelites had conquered the lands of Canaan. Before that time, there are no written records of it. The only conclusion we can derive, if we’re honest, is that at that time in history, the Israelites were the only people who used the Hebrew/Phoenician alphabet and language and they brought it with them wherever they went (including to Europe). 

But to fully understand how “modern Hebrew” differs from the ancient Hebrew/Phoenician language, we must examine the history of the Kingdom of Israel a bit closer. When the Israelites were deported (the Northern Kingdom and portions of the Southern Kingdom) in 722 BC, they were relocated across the Assyrian Empire, as we’ve explained in prior Proofs. A small remnant of Israelites was left in and surrounding Jerusalem in the Southern Kingdom, but about a hundred years later, they were deported by the Babylonians and taken to Babylonia. Here’s the important part: the larger group of Israelites deported by the Assyrians never returned to Palestine. Instead, they migrated to Europe in successive waves. However, from the smaller number of Israelites in Babylon, a few thousand did return. But during their time in Babylon (about seventy years), their alphabet, script, and language had been heavily influenced by the Babylonian language. This is largely where “modern Hebrew” comes from. Basically, modern Hebrew is a Babylonian corruption of ancient Hebrew amalgamated with a mish-mash of words pilfered through the centuries from other cultures by the wandering Canaanite merchants. But we’ll get back to that in a minute.  

Hebrew words in European languages

On the other hand, our European languages were influenced heavily by pure ancient Hebrew as spoken by the patriarchs. There was no Babylonian corruption and no linguistic contributions from wandering “Jewish” merchants. Over the centuries, many learned men have proven these Hebraic linguistic roots. One such man was the Welsh Puritan cleric Charles Edwards who in 1676 published his findings on the close connection between Hebrew and Welsh. However, for the most part, studies such as these have been ignored, ridiculed, and even silenced. We would be wise to question this hostility.

It was found that the oldest European languages such as Welsh, Irish, and other ancient Gaelic and Celtic languages bear the closest resemblance to ancient Hebrew. This is only to be expected since we know that very early on, long before the deportations, the Phoenician Israelites reached as far north as the British Isles where they set up colonies. Since these older languages weren’t “cross-contaminated” as much as other European languages, it’s logical that they would remain closer to their original roots. These languages still survive to this day, and we can easily see that they are closer to ancient Hebrew than the so-called “modern Hebrew.” 

On the other hand, the Germanic languages originated with the Israelites who were deported and relocated across Assyria much later. These Israelites made the long arduous migration to Europe over many centuries. Along the way, their contact and mingling with other Adamic and Israelite peoples, particularly the Assyrians and Persians, influenced their language. In fact, a few English words still used today such as paradise, assassin, and bazaar were once Persian words. 

In Greece, the Israelite Danaan Greeks mixed their culture with the Israelite Ionians who were already living there. So Greek would naturally have evolved to be partly Hebrew and partly Ionian dialects and languages. In a similar way, the Romans would have brought the Greek language with them (since they originally came from Troy) and mixed linguistically with the cultures in Italy (the Etruscans being Lydians descended from Lud). Thus we can also see how both Greek and Latin had their actual origins in Hebrew.

When we realize that the Franks, who originally spoke a Germanic language, conquered what is called France and mingled with the Gauls already living there (who had been Romanized and spoke a dialect of Latin), then we’d naturally expect the French language to be a blend of Germanic and Latin, which is certainly the case. The same linguistic evolutionary pattern unfolded with the Goths who conquered the Iberian tribes in Spain, and with the other Germanic tribes who conquered all of Europe and absorbed their languages.

So we see from history why all the European languages use derivatives of the Hebrew/Phoenician alphabet even to this day, although reconfigured into different languages. The fact is that languages are continuously evolving. Even very ancient Hebrew evolved from pictographs to letters. We can also see why English evolved to be the “largest” language with the most extensive vocabulary in the world due to portions of nearly every white European tribe having settled in England and, to a lesser extent, the British Isles, at one time or another. Thus the English language reflects the greatest diversity of Hebraic-based European languages. 

Modern Hebrew is not Hebrew 

Since English is the new language promised by Yahweh to the true Israelites, let’s take a closer look at the counterfeit language that is peddled as Modern Hebrew. If a group of non-Israelite people were to pretend to be the historical Israelites, apart from pretending to follow their customs, it would also make sense to pretend to be speaking the ancient original Hebrew. 

Modern Hebrew, the official language of modern Israel, is primarily an amalgamation of words from possibly hundreds of languages, all fused together with remnants of corrupted Babylonian Hebrew and seasoned with a few genuine Biblical Hebrew words. In other words, it’s a mish-mash stew flavored with a sprinkling of real Hebrew (as preserved in the Bible) to give the impression of ancient Hebrew. Since for centuries the roaming Canaanite merchants (not true Israelites but Edomites) had lived in almost every culture, continuously moving among host nations, it would make sense that their language consisted of bits and pieces they had picked up here and there. This linguistic pick-pocketing was added to the bastardized Babylonian-influenced “Hebrew” and some Biblical Hebrew and grew into a language of its own called Modern Hebrew. 

As we trace the evolution of true Hebrew and false Hebrew, it’s vital to have proper historical context. Remember that the true Israelites were deported by the Assyrians and these Israelites later migrated to Europe. About a hundred years after the Assyrian deportations, the remaining Israelites were deported by the Babylonians. Some seventy years later, around 40,000 Israelites returned to Jerusalem and continued practicing the Hebrew religion. But about 150 BC, power-hungry high priests, beginning with John Hyrcanus, began forcibly converting the surrounding Edomites, although this was explicitly against Yahweh’s law. This is how the Edomites became “Jews” and undermined the true Hebrew religion and eventually killed Christ and gave rise to Talmudic Judaism. These Edomites, who are also descended from cursed Cain through Esau’s Hittite wives, were dispersed into the nations as wandering Jews by the Romans after the conquest of Jerusalem in 70 AD. So the people commonly regarded as “Jews” are not Israelites at all but are Edomites and Canaanites. Any language they may speak is not true Hebrew. 

Most people are completely unaware of the linguistic con-game that has been perpetrated on the world over the past two centuries. Through the Zionist movement, Jews worked together to form one universal language amongst themselves, and this effort came to full fruition after the founding of the state of Israel. But Modern Hebrew — the so-called “revival” of ancient Hebrew — really began earlier with a Lithuanian secular Jew who took the name Eliezer Ben-Yehuda (1858 to 1922). When Ben-Yehuda (born Eliezer Perelman) moved to Palestine in 1881, the languages spoken there were Yiddish, French, Arabic, and to a lesser extent, a modified version of Medieval (i.e., corrupted) Hebrew. Ben-Yehuda promoted the idea of reviving ancient Hebrew and making it the national language, and this idea won support from other secular nationalists. Ben-Yehuda created the first Modern Hebrew dictionary. He established the linguistic rules followed today by the Academy of the Hebrew Language in Jerusalem that invents and approves new Modern Hebrew words. And so the inventing continues.

The linguistic invention that followed was accomplished by proscribing the “Modern Hebrew” letters to the various Jewish dialects from across the globe and gradually harmonizing these dialects into one standardized language written in Hebrew letters and declaring it “Modern Hebrew” and “Israeli Hebrew.” But a language that Yahweh God had ordained to die cannot be revived to be a spoken language again. Modern Hebrew is in reality an unholy mismatched patchwork of Yiddish, English, Arabic, Greek, Akkadian, Persian, Turkish, Spanish, German, and other words that the Canaanite merchants picked up as they roamed through white nations. Yiddish, perhaps the best-known dialect of the wandering Canaanites and very influential in the creation of Modern Hebrew, is really a type of Germanic dialect with old Hebrew words mixed in. This linguistic mess is hardly the language spoken by Abraham! 

Thus a counterfeit “new” language was born. This language pretends to be the ancient Hebrew spoken by the patriarchs simply by using Hebrew letters to represent words from multiple different languages, all patched together. One could say it is a “Frankenstein language” since it is a dead language (Hebrew characters) stitched together with parts of modern and living languages, including some Biblical Hebrew but with most of those words given different meanings and pronunciations. If you think about it, if I wrote English words using Hebrew letters, am I suddenly writing Hebrew? No, I’m simply disguising English with Hebrew letters. This is exactly what Modern Hebrew is — a disguised linguistic beast sewn together from the dead and the living — and it has nothing truly to do with real, ancient Hebrew. It is a deception.

Thus, Modern Hebrew is a lie. It is not the revival of an ancient language; rather, it is a recent invention designed to deceive true Israelites and to empower the enemies of Christ in their fiendish pursuits. It is nothing more than that. 


In fulfillment of Yahweh’s prophecy, the original true Hebrew language long ago ceased to be a living language and has been replaced by a new language. That new language is English. English along with all our European languages have their roots in ancient Hebrew. This is how the language of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob evolved into the “new language” foretold thousands of years ago. We descendants of these patriarchs now speak English as the primary language of the white Israelite world. Our language, the English language, is the new language promised by Yahweh. It really is that simple.

100 Proofs the Israelites were WHITE
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