100 Proofs The Israelites Were White Part 15

Proof 15 - Jesus was White just like His White Israelite People

Many people these days wonder what Yahshua (or Jesus) looked like. In fact, His appearance and race are becoming hotly debated topics these days. But it should be a straightforward answer. So what did Jesus look like? This question really shouldn’t be controversial at all. The answer is straightforward and logical.

Logically speaking, He would have looked like any other Adamite, like any descendant of Adam and Eve. And also since He was of the tribe of Judah, and therefore was an Israelite, He would look just like any other Israelite of the day. That logic works the other way around also: If we can determine what Christ looked like, then we can determine what the Israelites looked like and in turn what the Adamites looked like. Let’s look at how the Bible describes Christ in particular and Adamites in general.

The clearest physical description of Christ is in the Book of Revelation. At the beginning of the book, the aged Apostle John, then in his 90s, sees a vision of Christ.

John describes Christ as having a head and hair (so both his head and hair) as white as wool and as white as snow. So clearly the color of both His head and His hair is white. So what do you think Christ looked like? Many people (especially non-whites) try to twist that “white as wool” part to somehow mean that the texture of His hair is woolly (like an African’s hair texture), but that’s not what it’s saying. The Apostle John is contrasting the whiteness of Christ’s hair to the whiteness of wool, not to the texture of wool.

When reading passages like this where something is repeated, it’s important to know that the Israelites often employed parallelisms in their writings. Parallelism is a literary device where the same thing is described twice or even multiple times from different perspectives in order to present things more clearly. Here the fact the hair color is described twice as white — both like wool and like snow — only reinforces that meaning. If it was also referring to the texture of his hair, then Christ would also have to have hair like snow and it would melt in the sun.

“Now His head and hairs white as wool, white as snow, and His eyes as flames of fire” Revelation 1:14 CNT.

Continuing on, we need to read the next verse carefully because it describes Christ’s feet as being like fine brass. Now brass is a golden-like color metal; however, the verse actually says “like fine brass.” Fine brass is burned in a furnace. So in other words, this verse is describing brass at a super-hot temperature.

Brass goes to a white-like color when heated up in a furnace and glows intensely. That is the allegory John is using here: Christ’s feet are white and glowing. So once again, it’s all consistent. He’s describing Christ as a white European-looking man with white feet.

“And His feet like fine brass as if having been burned in a furnace, and His voice as a voice of many waters” Revelation 1:15 CNT.

But that’s not all. There are descriptions of both King David and Solomon in the scriptures. Both men were from the tribe of Judah and therefore were in the ancestry of Christ. Logically and genetically speaking, whatever they looked like, Christ also would have looked like.

Starting with King David, there are two descriptions of him found in the books of Samuel. The first is where Samuel meets David for the first time and describes him as a young ruddy handsome youth. Of course ruddy means to show blood in the face, something only a European-looking person could do.

It should be noted that many of most modern translations try to “disguise” the word ruddy, instead substituting handsome or good-looking and — absurdly — even dark. If we do a closer examination of the Hebrew text of that verse, we can clearly see that the word translated to ruddy is “Adamee.” This is a word formed from the root word adam. Another version of the adjectival form of Adam is to describe something as red or ruddy. If it’s an object then it’s red but if it’s a person, it means ruddy, as in to show blood in the face.

If it means red when describing an object, how can it suddenly change to mean dark when describing a person? Where is the logic in that?

The next time David is described is when he meets Goliath, opting to fight him in a duel. Here Goliath looks upon David, and David is once again described as being a young ruddy youth of a fair countenance.

Ruddy again means to be showing blood in the face, which indicates a healthy-looking white person. Interestingly if we check other translations, the New Living Translation which had translated the previous verse we showed as ruddy or “adamee” as dark, here in this verse it gets it right and this time translates “adamee” as ruddy. So which is it ruddy or dark?

“And when the Philistine looked about, and saw David, he disdained him: for he was but a youth, and ruddy, and of a fair countenance” 1 Samuel 17:42 KJV.

There is one more verse relating to David when he is finally anointed and accepted as King over all the children of Israel. The Israelites gather in Hebron and declare that they are related to David in bone and flesh.

“Then came all the tribes of Israel to David unto Hebron, and spake, saying Behold, we are thy bone and thy flesh” 2 Samuel 5:5 KJV.

This is a reference to Genesis where Adam declares that Eve, who was created out of Adam’s rib, is the flesh of his flesh, the bone of his bone. In other words, the same race. In the previous verse, the children of Israel are all declaring that they are the same race and would have had a common appearance as David.

Now we’ll examine the verses describing King Solomon, the son of David. These are even more explicit than the descriptions of Kind David. So we will turn to the Song of Solomon. This is read like poetry so there are a lot of allegories. The first verse is very clear, however.

Here Solomon is described as white and ruddy, just like his father David and, when He came, Christ Himself. Again we see that white and ruddy go together, a healthy-looking white person will have a red undertone to his white skin, signifying good health.

Now we should note that the Hebrew word translated as white is “tsach” Strongs 6703. Tsach is defined as dazzling, glowing, or clear. In this context when referring to man or woman, its clear intention is white. Especially when you see it’s combined with ruddy. The word translated as ruddy is simply Adam; so dazzling, glowing, clear, and ruddy mean white and ruddy.

To really understand the language here, we need to look at the Greek Septuagint, which is the Hebrew Bible translated into Greek by the Israelites. After the conquests of Alexander around 300 BC, Greek became the common lingua franca or the language of commerce and trade. Therefore the Israelites decided to translate their entire Bible into Greek as well.

The word tsach that is translated as white in this verse in the Septuagint was translated to the Greek word λευκός, which means white. So the Israelites themselves translated the word as white. So if certain people try to say it means something else, well the Israelites themselves say it means white.

“My beloved is white and ruddy, the chiefest among ten thousand” Song of Solomon 5:10 KJV.

In the next verse, Solomon’s head is described as the finest gold, so basically he has a golden tan. This again goes with the dazzling part. He’s white but he’s glowing with a tan. In the next part, his locks are described as bushy. This would have been better translated as wavy. And then his hair is black as a raven. Hector or Troy was said to have had raven dark hair as well.

So going through it bit by bit once again for Solomon to have a golden head, he would have to be a European-looking man to get that golden tan. Other races simply don’t tan. Now let’s look at the word translated to bushy. Note that most of the other translations have wavy hair. But since I’m sticking to the KJV translations here, I stuck with it on this verse as well.

The word translated as bushy in the KJV is translated as wavy in most other translations, so why did they all disagree with the KJV? The word translated as wavy or bushy is “taltalim” (Strong’s # 8534). It’s an obscure word that is only used once in the Bible. If we look again at the Septuagint, we see that the Israelites translated this word in Greek as βόστρυχος (vóstrychos), which Liddell & Scott define as either a curl or lock of hair or anything twisted or wreathed. So the Israelites described Solomon as having wavy hair.

Solomon’s hair color was described as being like a raven. Amongst Europeans, it’s common to have blonde, brown, perhaps slightly less common to have red hair, but really jet dark black is somewhat unusual. Nevertheless, you do see pale Europeans with blue eyes and jet black hair, particularly amongst the Irish where the combination is considered particularly beautiful. The Bible makes a point of saying that Solomon’s hair was raven black.

“His head is as the most fine gold, his locks are bushy, and black as a raven” Song of Solomon 5:11 KJV.

Moving on, Solomon’s eyes are described like doves by the rivers of water, washed with milk. Generally doves are a gray-like color. Of course, they can also be white. So Solomon’s eye color — the irisis — must have been gray, surrounded by “milk” or the white part of the eye, the sclera.

“His eyes are as the eyes of doves by the rivers of waters, washed with milk, and fitly set” Song of Solomon 5:12 KJV.

Solomon’s cheeks are as a bed of spices, as sweet flowers, this again implying ruddiness or that he’s white with a tan but with some red color around his cheeks. All this is described poetically.

“His cheeks are as a bed of spices, as sweet flowers: his lips like lilies, dropping sweet smelling myrrh” Song of Solomon 5:13 KJV.

It goes on to describe his hands and his belly. His hands are described as tanned like golden rings with beryl, a stone that generally reflects a yellow-like color. The hands were golden and glowing from a tan. His belly was like ivory. It’s obvious that ivory is always white. Sapphires are blue, and this poetically describes his body as pale with blue veins. Obviously, Solomon kept his body covered and it was pale, but his head and hands were exposed to the sun and were therefore golden and tanned. Clearly, he was white.

“His hands are as gold rings set with the beryl: his belly is as bright ivory overlaid with sapphires” Song of Solomon 5:14 KJV.

In the next verse, his legs are described as pillars of marble. Marble is white with blue-like lines almost looking like veins. It is a good allegory for a white man in good physical condition would have blue veins appear through the white skin of his legs, giving them an appearance like marble. The sockets of gold would be a reference to his feet and ankles, or also his lower legs, which would be tanned from the sun.

Notice that the parts of the body which were typically exposed to the sun — the feet and ankles, hands and head — are all described as gold. Lastly, the cedars of Lebanon were tall and straight. So again this tells you Solomon was perhaps tall and lean, in good physical condition. In fact, it’s very common for whites to gain “farmers’ tans,” where they retain a pale body under their clothing but their arms and legs that are exposed to the sun become golden. So again, this all perfectly fits the description of any European-looking man.

“His legs are as pillars of marble, set upon sockets of fine gold: his countenance is as Lebanon, excellent as the cedars” Song of Solomon 5:15 KJV.

So that should give a clear description of Solomon. Why don’t we see how his wife is described. Solomon married an Egyptian princess. The Egyptians were Mizraim and at the time of Solomon around 1000 BC, they were still Adamites and marriage was fine. Of course, by 700 BC, Egypt was overrun by Nubians and things had changed.

Here his bride is described as fair as the moon, clear as the sun. The word for fair, “yapheh” (Strong’s # 3303), means fair or beautiful, or even handsome or pleasant, depending on the context, without any connotation of race or color. However, where the fairness of the bride is compared to the moon and her clarity to the sun, her countenance must be both white and bright.

So not only was Solomon white and his wife was white, but this also shows that the Egyptians at the time were also white.

“Who is she that looketh forth as the morning, fair as the moon, clear as the sun, and terrible as an army with banners?” Song of Solomon 6:10 KJV.

There is another verse later in the Song of Solomon which essentially repeats what we’ve covered but also describes Solomon’s neck and eyes. In this verse, his neck is a tower of ivory, basically a white neck with blue veins. His eyes are like fish pools. Generally, pools of water are a blue, grey color. His nose is described as the tower of Lebanon. A tower is wide at the bottom and thinner at the top, so it’s implying Solomon has a prominent European nose, definitely not a flat, squat nose.

“Thy neck is as a tower of ivory thine eyes like the fishpools in Heshbon, by the gate of Bathrabbim: thy nose is as the tower of Lebanon which looketh toward Damascus” Song of Solomon 7:4 KJV.

Here it also should be noted that Lebanon refers to the mountain range. They were called Lebanon because they were always snowy at the top, so they were white mountains. There were many other mountain ranges that could be used but here Solomon chose the white mountains.

If we look at the word Lebanon, (Strong’s # 3844), it will tell us it’s a mountain range, but we see it comes from the root word Laban which means white, Lebanon from Laban you can see the connection.

So lets look at the word Laban, (Strong’s # 3835), this is the verb form of the word and it means to be white. Remember Strongs always split the word into multiple sections.

We should also note that Jacob was sent to marry a daughter of Laban, so he was to sent to find a daughter of a man who’s name means White. Whilst Esau married a Caananite and therefore lost his birthright. We shall cover this more in a later proof.

So that is why in a previous verse showed Solomon’s countenance was compared to Lebanon, his appearance is like a snowy white mountain with a nose like a tower.

Now we could end it there, but we should take a second look at a verse we mentioned previously. It’s in Lamentations. Now this book was written by Jeremiah after the siege of Jerusalem by the Babylonians. At that time, many Israelites had been slaughtered and many were suffering severe hardship

Jeremiah talks about the Nazarites. The Nazarites were part of the children of Israel and are described as being purer than snow and whiter than milk. This is another Hebrew parallelism emphasizing how white these people were. Next, Jeremiah describes them as “more ruddy in body than rubies.” Rubies are red and the word for ruddy is Adam, so clearly, Adam means red since they are white and ruddy

“Her Nazarites were purer than snow, they were whiter than milk, they were more ruddy in body than rubies their polishing was of sapphire” Lamentations 4:7.

Now usually that description is ignored or glossed over and instead all the focus is put on the next verse. Let’s have a look at that verse. It says that their visage is black. But the context is that it’s describing dead, withered corpses. When a person dies, the body decomposes and rots, the skin cleaves to the bones, the whole body withers like a stick and often turns black. It’s not a pretty sight.

If we put both verses together in context, we see that in their prime the Nazarites (who were Israelites) were white and ruddy, but after being slaughtered or perishing during the Babylonian siege, they were black rotting corpses lying in the streets.

“Their visage is blacker than a coal; they are not known in the streets: their skin cleaveth to their bones; it is withered, it is become like a stick” Lamentations 4:8.

So when we read these verses in context rather than cherry-picking one verse containing the word “black,” we get the correct picture.

We can clearly see from the descriptions of these Biblical personages, including Christ Himself, that the Israelites were white. Unfortunately, in addition to proof-texting verses for political correctness, there is one particular mistranslated verse that’s widely used to “prove” the opposite, that the Israelites weren’t white.

The KJV really messed up with the translation of this verse in Lamentations. After the siege and the devastation it caused, the verse says that our skin was black like an oven due to a terrible famine. Translations other than the KJV say that our skin was “hot as an oven,” or in other words, feverish from hunger. During sieges, food runs out, plagues sweep through the weakened population, and people are forced to eat anything to survive. That their skin would burn with fever is to be expected.

“Our skin was black like an oven because of the terrible famine” Lamentations 5:10.

We must remember that people who make a big deal of this verse (or hone in on a dubiously translated verse or cherry-pick verses as proof-texts for their own agenda) have no leg to stand on. “Black like an oven” is merely an unfortunately poor translation describing a state of fever accompanying starvation. This mistranslation needs to be seen in perspective with the many verses that we’ve gone over describing Biblical persons who were not black as an oven but were in fact white.

So we see a deliberate attempt to “color” and manipulate the truth. Interpretations such as “black as an oven” are used to say that the Israelites were black-skinned; that Adam doesn’t mean red and ruddy; that Christ has wooly hair like an African; and that Solomon had bushy hair, perhaps like an Aboriginal.

These are attempts to make the Israelites into something they were not. All of these theories rely on poor or incorrect translations. They skew certain words and phrases. They appeal to popular politically correct ideologies that are not found in the Bible. Above all, they rely on people not taking the time and effort to properly study the verses in depth for themselves.

When the verses are properly translated and put into correct context, they paint one clear consistent picture throughout the entire Bible: that the Israelites looked as white as any modern native European. Anyone trying to change or modify these descriptions is simply lying and deceiving you. But once the light is shone on these lies, they are exposed and the facade crumbles.

100 Proofs the Israelites were WHITE
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