Lost Tribes

The Lost Tribes of Israel

Where is the Tribe of Dan today?

Where is the Tribe of DAN today?

The enigma of the 12 Lost Tribes of Israel has puzzled Bible scholars for centuries. Millions of Israelites just simply vanished, were lost and disappeared from history forever, never to be seen or heard of again. That’s what the scholars claim, at least.

Whilst around the same time period millions of people just magically appeared out of no where and became what we now generally call the Germanic tribes. I’m sure this is all just a big coincidence. Right?

Welcome to the first part of a new series where we will uncover the truth of where each tribe of Israel is located today, where we will examine all the evidence, explore all the clues, uncover the lost history and piece together what everything we can find.

We will start with the Tribe of Dan.

Where is the Tribe of DAN today? Read More »

ODIN’S ANCESTRY An Amazing Timeline Going Back to 2000BC!

The amazing ancestry of Odin, his sons and their descendants. Many of the European Kings can trace their linage back all the way to Odin going back centuries. This leaves the question who was Odin? Where did Odin come from? Where does the right of Kings comes from? The simple truth is Odin was one of the Kings of Judah around 200 AD who was leading the lost tribes of Israel through Europe. The Scythians, Goths, Germanic tribes are all the same people under different names. He made his sons Kings over different regions and nations which made him a legendary figure.

ODIN’S ANCESTRY An Amazing Timeline Going Back to 2000BC! Read More »

The Ancestry of Julius Caesar (2000 BC)

Julius Caesar, one of the most famous people in our history. What most people are unaware of his ancestry as well as who the Roman people truly were. Caesar was a descent of the Trojan Princes who can be traced back to the Israelite. Back to Jacob, Isaac and Abraham. The Romans as well, they were primary from the tribe of Judah through the Zarah branch. Here I will prove it and show you the history.

The Ancestry of Julius Caesar (2000 BC) Read More »