Bible Teachings

Teachings of the Bible

Do we all Descend From Adam and Eve?

Do we all Descend From Adam and Eve?

One question that often arises from reading the Bible, is do we all descend from Adam? If so, then how is that possible? There are many different races across the world, yet Adam was clearly one race. And since Eve was created out of Adam, their descendants would be one race. So how can Adam be the father of everyone? How on earth does that make sense? Is there another possibility? Could some people have a different origin? An origin not with Adam and not even with God, but an origin with the rebellion of the Fallen Angels and their offspring the Nephilim? Well let’s have a close look through the Bible and see what it truly tells us.

Do we all Descend From Adam and Eve? Read More »

Top 10 Parables of Jesus Christ

When God himself came down in the flesh as a man he revealed secrets hidden from the beginning of the world of which some were revealed in parables. This was so amongst other reasons that arrogant men would be blinded whilst those who were humble and sought out the holy spirit of Christ would have their eyes opened and the truth revealed to them.

Even today preachers, politicians, so called wise men are still completely blind to the truth and absolutely do not understand the bible. So here are the top 10 parables of Jesus Christ explained.

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