100 Proofs Part 14

100 Proofs The Israelites Were White – Part 14

Many of our modern English words as well as words in other European languages originate from the ancient Hebrew language our ancestors spoke thousands of years ago. Since we are the same people this is exactly what one would expect. This is yet another fact that is deliberately ignored in today’s world. Therefore many of our words’ meanings and origins would be better understood if we examined the ancient Hebrew word sources to see how the word was formed and the original intended meaning. One such example is the Hebrew word Arab. The word Arab is a Hebrew word and originates from the Hebrew language. Most people have no idea of this origin, nor do they know that the meaning of the word as a verb is “to become evening” or “to grow dark”, but also as a verb “to combine” or “to mix”, therefore when referring to people it kept that original meaning. So let’s explain how this came about.