100 Proofs The Israelites Were White Parts 61-70

The Israelites were prophesied to get stronger and more powerful the further away they traveled from the land of Canaan. Meaning the new Nations they would build, would become even greater than the previous kingdom of Israel, which was at it’s height during Kind David and Solomon’s time. After the Assyrian deportations, the Greeks under Alexander formed a greater Empire than the former kingdom of Israel. Then later, the Roman Empire became even mightier than Alexander’s Empire. Later the European Nations which formed from the Germanic tribes, all had their turns in becoming great colonial Empires, which stretched across the entire world. Such as the Portuguese, Spanish, French and Dutch Empires. Then Britain a small island, came to grow and exceed all previous Empires. Finally America became the most powerful Empire ever to exist, generally referred to as a “super power,” as it dominated the entire world. If we read the prophecies this is exactly what we would expect to happen to the children of Israel dispersing and forming new nations getting stronger and stronger, the further they traveled. No other race of people has fulfilled this, neither have they formed great powerful nations. Obviously the Europeans are the people of the Bible.