100 Proofs

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100 Proofs The Israelites Were White Part 6

100 Proofs The Israelites Were White Part 6

The enemies of Yahweh and His people like to claim that the ancient dispersed Israelites — those who broke away after the Exodus plus the millions deported by the Assyrians and then the Babylonians — just disappeared and are lost to history. Vanished without a trace. And they say this with a straight face. Or they conjecture fabulous tales such as that the Lost Tribes jumped onto boats and sailed for the Americans, intermixed with the natives, and faded away. Or that they scuttled south to Subsaharan Africa or trekked east to the Himalayas and Asiatic nations where they intermarried and lost their Israelite identity.

100 Proofs The Israelites Were White Part 6 Read More »

100 Proofs Thumbnail 10b

100 Proofs The Israelites Were White – Part 10B

The Hebrew alphabet and sounds evolved to form English, and these slides will show how that happened. Our letters came from Hebrew and even to this day, we use the same linguistic sounds as our Hebrew ancestors did. This is not an accident. We naturally inherited their language because we are their descendants, true Israelites of true Israelites. We then expanded and improved upon our linguistic inheritance. Through this in-depth look at our alphabet, it will become obvious that the languages of other non-Adamic races did not come from Hebrew. Their languages have sounds that are not even present in our languages that evolved from Hebrew. This is yet another way in which we can clearly see that these races have a different origin from us. We are not all the same, linguistically or otherwise.

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100 Proofs The Israelites Were White Part 5

100 Proofs The Israelites Were White Part 5

Only one race throughout history has called themselves Christians. “The nations shall see your righteousness, and all the kings your glory, and you shall be called by a new name that the mouth of the LORD will give” (Isaiah 62:2).

The name Christianity is synonymous with Europe, and Europe has been synonymous with Christendom. Until recently, Christian has been our identity and our name. Throughout history, only one race — the white race — has called itself Christian. Even our European lands were known as Christendom until the last few hundred years. The name “Christian” did not happen by accident. It’s a fulfillment of Scriptural prophecy. Did you know the Bible predicts that Yahweh would give the name “Christian” to His people? He promised this “new name” (more on what this name is in a minute) to the genetic descendants of Israel and no one else. He did not promise this new name to all the peoples of the world, nor to any non-white nation, nor to random people within various nations who might profess belief in Him. Only to Israel.

God’s people have been known by many names — Hebrews, Israelites, Greeks, Romans, Saxons, and Celts, to name a few — but now, since the Messiah Yahshua Christ has come, His people are known collectively by one name: Christians. His people are one as He is one. His people belong to Him, so we are called by His name. The remnants of the tribe of Benjamin and Judah which were in Judea became Christian, as did the rest of all the twelves tribes scattered abroad all over Europe. Thus they all were called by one name, and returned to their rightful Creator, God, and Redeemer, Yahweh.

The tribes of Israel who once seemed lost to history have joined the first-century Israelites in Judah and become one family, called by the one name Christian, and returned to their rightful Creator, God, and Redeemer, Yahweh.

Children of Israel to be be called the ‘Sons of the Living God’
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We regard Yahweh’s promise of a new name for His people as sign and proof that those newly named people were and still are His redeemed ancient Israelites, the lost-but-found sheep of the house of Israel. This prophecy about their new name was given to the Prophet Hosea. Through Hosea, Yahweh spoke to the children of Israel about to be deported because of their sins, idolatry, and faithlessness. In effect, Yahweh was “divorcing” them through this tragedy of deportation. But He promised that one day He would redeem them (through Christ), they would be His people again, and they would be named after the Living God. They would be called Christians.

Yahweh instructed Hosea to “act out” this prophecy in a dramatic way, both through his choice of wife and the names of his children. As if to emphasize the importance of names, Yahweh revealed this prophecy of a new name through the names of Hosea’s future children. First, Yahweh instructed Hosea to marry a prostitute. This demonstrated how Israel was behaving toward Yahweh, their husband and God. As the husband of a whore, Hosea was a type of Yahweh, the husband of Israel who played the whore through her idolatry and unfaithfulness.

“The beginning of the word of the Lord by Hosea. And the Lord said to Hosea, Go, take unto thee a wife of whoredoms and children of whoredoms: for the land hath committed great whoredom, departing from the Lord” Hosea 1:2 KJV.

Hosea fathered three children in quick succession, and Yahweh instructed the prophet to give them specific names. These names would reveal what was about to befall Israel. Hosea named his first child, a son, Jezreel, which means “Yahweh scatters” or “Yahweh will sow.” This name indicated that Yahweh would scatter the children of Israel through deportations.

“So he went and took Gomer the daughter of Diblaim; which conceived, and bare him a son. And the Lord said unto him, Call his name Jezreel; for yet a little while, and I will avenge the blood of Jezreel upon the house of Jehu, and will cause to cease the kingdom of the house of Israel. And it shall come to pass at that day, that I will break the bow of Israel, in the valley of Jezreel” Hosea 1:3-5 KJV.

Hosea named his second child, a daughter, Loruhamah, which means “no mercy.” This name indicated that Yahweh would no longer tolerate or have mercy upon the children of Israel for their continuous whoredoms.

“And she conceived again, and bare a daughter. And God said unto him, Call her name Loruhamah: for I will no more have mercy upon the house of Israel; but I will utterly take them away.” Hosea 1:6 KJV.

Hosea named his last child, a son, Loammi, which means “not my people.”The children of Israel would no longer be His people but would become the “Lost Tribes.” History does indeed show that they lost their Israelite name and identity. As we explained in earlier Proofs, they became the Cimmerians, Sacae, Scythians, Galatea and the Germanic and other tribes. Once again, we find that the Europeans fulfilled the prophecies made to the Israelites, this time as regards the tragedy of being scattered far from their home, with no mercy, and no longer His people. They went into the darkness and terror of the deportations and suffered the awful punishment of no longer being Yahweh’s people because of their idolatry.

“Now when she had weaned Loruhamah, she conceived, and bare a son. Then said God, Call his name Loammi: for ye are not my people, and I will not be your God.”.Hosea 1:8-9 KJV

However, Yahweh’s punishment was corrective in nature and not permanent. Even though scattered to foreign lands and their name forgotten, dispersed Israel would grow into an immense multitude in those European lands. Yahweh promised He would come after Israel, His bride, seek her out and save her. In His good time, He would gather in His dispersed people and call them by a new name, the sons of the Living God.

“Yet the number of the children of Israel shall be as the sands of the sea, which cannot be measured nor numbered; and it shall come to pass, that in the place where it was said unto them, Ye are not my people, there it shall be said unto them, Ye are the sons of the living God” Hosea 1:10 KJV.

That Living God was, of course, Christ. The apostles, particularly Paul, sought out dispersed Israel in the lands of Europe, where they had grown into a multitude past counting, particularly as the Germanic tribes. As the tribes of Europe accepted Christ, they were regathered under one Head, that Head being Christ God. They were given a new name — Christians — after the Living God, just as the prophecy had foretold.

“Then shall the children of Judah and the children of Israel be gathered together, and appoint themselves one head, and they shall come up out of the land: for great shall be the day of Jezreel” Hosea 1:11 KJV

The name Christian proves that the white race is Israel. But why does Hosea’s prophecy use the term “Living God”? Let’s take a closer look at that important detail.

Christ is the only true Living God
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The Living God is, of course, Yahshua (Jesus) Christ. But how and why is He the Living God? Yahshua is Yahweh the Living God of Israel incarnated in the flesh as a living, breathing Adamic man. Yahshua came down from heaven and was born of the line of Judah for the salvation of His people, His family, the children of Israel. Only in the Bible do we find miraculous and amazing prophecies that God would become man out of love for His creation, Adamkind. These prophecies have been fulfilled. Israel had been sentenced to deportation because of her idolatry, which is the worship of false “gods.” These are idols of wood and stone and the deceit of devils. Nothing else. They are dead, not living. Yahshua Christ, who is Yahweh incarnated, is the only living and true God. He came in the flesh and called His people back from dead idolatry to Himself, the Living God.

Why the name “Christian”? Yahshua called Himself the Messiah (Christ in Greek) of Israel (Matthew 16.16-18) and after His resurrection, His apostles began preaching Him as the Christ. Acts 11:26 tells us, “And in Antioch, the disciples were first called Christians.” The timing and geography are significant. In the city of Antioch, the apostles moved beyond preaching in synagogues, as had been their habit. Now they boldly preached to and converted Hellenic Greeks. These Greeks were not “gentiles,” as was thought at the time, but they were actually descendants of the dispersed tribes of Israel. As the Gospel spread throughout Europe, the European peoples embraced the name of Christian. Christian means “the people of Christ,” since the Greek ending “ian” means “people.” By adopting this name, the Europeans became a race named after the Living God, thus fulfilling the prophecy in Hosea.

Europeans must be the Israelites
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Let’s put this Proof in its simplest form: Yahweh made an explicit promise that He would rename the Israelites as Christians. In all of history, only the white European race has been called Christian and their lands Christendom. The only logical explanation is the Europeans must be the ancient Israelites who were once deported and dispersed. You don’t need an IQ of 200 to work that out. Either the prophecy unfolded in history and Yahweh’s people are now called by His name, Christians, or Yahweh’s promises failed or were false. If we truly believe the Bible, then we’re forced to recognize how Yahweh’s word has been fulfilled.

The Europeans were His dispersed people. This is why the ancient Hebrews awaited the coming of Christ, but it was the Europeans who accepted Him en masse. The Europeans accepted Him precisely because they were the ancient Hebrews. What other race has even been identified primarily as Christians? The Africans? The Chinese? The Indians? None of them! Only white Europeans fulfilled this prophecy. Europe was even known as Christendom before the modern age when secularism got a firm foothold.

Furthermore, only Christian are His people, and only Christians are ancient Israel. The people known as Jews claim to be Israelites but they hate Christ, Christians, and Christianity. Why is that? Modern Judaism is not the Hebrew/Mosaic religion of the Old Testament. Christianity alone is the continuation of the religion of the Hebrews, and these Jews are usurpers when they claim to be Judah or Israel. The Talmud is the foundation of the modern Jewish religion, a religion which really only came into its own after Christ. So we can say that Christianity is older than Talmudic Judaism. The people known as Jews today are not the Israel of the Bible; therefore, of course, they reject Christ and the name He gave to His people, Christianity.

“The nations shall see your righteousness, and all the kings your glory, and you shall be called by a new name that the mouth of the LORD will give” (Isa 62:2).

Our name is our identity. Yahweh gave us both. When we Europeans embraced our Christian identity and our Christian name, we became the historical reality foretold in Scriptural prophecies. We were lost, but now we are found. In accepting our identity, we fulfill the truth of God. The implications of these prophecies are staggering, and most Christians today still have to awaken to that reality. We white Europeans are the so-called lost tribes of Israel, the true Israelites. Yahweh sought us as a shepherd seeks His scattered sheep. He gathered us into one people, the Christian people, and He gave us His name, the people of Christ or Christians.

In times past, when Europe was Christendom, we understood that we were all brethren united under Christ our Savior. It’s time that we recognize that truth again. We white people who live in these portentous times, let us not be ashamed to be known as Christians, to live as Christians, and to claim our historical reality as Israelites, lest Christ be ashamed of us on Judgement Day.

100 Proofs The Israelites Were White Part 5 Read More »

100 Proofs The Israelites Were White Part 4

100 Proofs The Israelites Were White Part 4

The Bible prophecies of Europeans spreading everywhere. The Bible clearly states that Jacob’s seed was destined to spread across the entire world. The Israelites were never supposed to be limited to the land of Canaan. Yahweh had bigger plans for us right from the beginning. These prophecies of expansion were given early on to the patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in Genesis 28:14: “And thy seed shall be as the dust of the earth, and thou shalt spread abroad to the west, and to the east, and to the north, and to the south: and in thee and in thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed.”

Yahweh promised that Jacob’s seed (the children of Israel) would become a vast multitude and spread to all corners of the world: north, south, east, and west. In them and because of them, the world would be blessed. And this wasn’t the only prophecy. At the time of his death, Moses blessed the Israelites and prophesied that “the horns of Joseph” would drive the Israelites to “the ends of the earth” Deut. 33:17. Later around 700 BC, the Prophet Isaiah spoke Yahweh’s promises to the Israelites who were being deported by the Assyrians: “He [Yahweh] shall cause them that come of Jacob to take root: Israel shall blossom and bud, and fill the face of the world with fruit” Isaiah 27:6. This fruitfulness would happen at a future time, after the punishment of the deportations.

The fact that both Moses’ and Isaiah’s prophecies were similar to the Patriarchs’ and were given hundreds of years later shows that the original promises to the Patriarchs were yet to be fulfilled. Even though the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah had been established by the time Isaiah was writing to the Israelites who were being deported by the Assyrians, the Israelites had yet to spread across the entire world. We will show how the seed of Jacob gradually migrated into Europe. From those massive migrations over many centuries, it becomes obvious that the Europeans and only the Europeans (the new name for the seed of Jacob) fulfilled these prophecies, primarily through European colonization and especially through the British Empire.

With these prophecies in mind, let’s step back and ask a basic question: “What race has spread across the entire world?” Because whatever race has fulfilled these Bible prophecies, that same race is the recipient of the promises. That race alone is the true seed of Jacob. Over the past few thousand years, only one race — the white Europeans — has spread across the earth, populated every continent, and brought the blessing of Christian civilization with them. Only the Europeans have accomplished this. This is proof that white Europeans are truly the descendants of Jacob, the true Israelites, the true people of Yahweh who is the God of the Bible. To claim that any other people have fulfilled these prophecies is to deny Scripture, mock reality, and to engage in self-deception.

When we look at maps from over a century ago, we clearly see the extent of white European civilization and colonization. That was the result of the deportations of the Israelites and their migrations to Europe (including Russia) and from Europe to Greenland, Iceland and then during the colonization periods to the rest of the world: North, Central, and South America; Canada; Australia; New Zealand; Africa; India; and even but to a lesser degree the Middle East, China, and Indonesia. There is no place on earth that our people and race have not settled. We are everywhere and wherever we settled, we have brought the civilizing effects of Christianity. No other race throughout history can claim to have fulfilled these prophecies; therefore, no other race can be Israel except the European race.

Let’s look more closely at how this Scriptural prophecy unfolded through the migrations of the Israelites. Ancient historians and ancient historical inscriptions record these journeys. To fully grasp the prophecies and the real identity of the Israelites, we must first be familiar with the ancient migrations of the seed of Jacob. We must uncover the truth of history as it unfolded under the hand of Yahweh, and not read antichrist propaganda back into history.

The Untold Story of the Exodus

It might come as a surprise, but not all the Israelites followed Moses into the desert. In fact, the first Israelite migration of any magnitude happened right at the beginning of the Exodus when a large swath of Israelites stuck out for Europe in ships. Unfortunately, most of our people today are unaware of this early migration to Europe; this ignorance is due to the fact that real history is no longer taught in schools. This group of Israelites sailed to Anatolia and Greece and lands that would become Europe. But most Westerners are familiar with the story of Moses and the Exodus, at least in outline. The Israelites were liberated from Egyptian slavery, wandered forty years in the desert, and finally entered the Promised Land of Canaan.

Historian Diodorus Siculus recounts the Exodus from Egypt and confirms that the Israelites split into two groups; the smaller one sea-bound for Europe; the other on foot following Moses to the land that would be called Judea by the time of Siculus. We must note, however, that even this great historian made a few errors. He stated that Canaan was uninhabited. But the land was inhabited by Canaanites, as the Scripture records.

“The Aliens [Israelites] were driven from the country [Egypt], and the most outstanding and active among them banded together and, as some say, were cast ashore in Greece and certain other regions, their leaders were notable men, chief among them being Danaus and Cadmus. But the majority of the people descended into a country not far from Egypt, which is now called Judaea and at that time was altogether uninhabited.

“The leader of this colony was one Moses, a very wise and valiant man, who, after he had possessed himself of the country, amongst other cities, built that now most famous city, Jerusalem, and the temple there, which is so greatly revered among them. He instituted the holy rites and ceremonies with which they worship God; and made laws for the methodical government of the state. He also divided the people into twelve tribes, which he regarded as the most perfect number; because it corresponds to the twelve months within a whole year…” (Diodorus Siculus, Bibliotheca Historica, 40.2-3)

Danaus and the Danaans Greeks
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The break-away group of Israelites who reached the shores of Greece is known as the Danoi (Δαναοί by Homer). Danoi is generally translated into English as Danaans, which indicates that they were primarily Israelites from the tribe of Dan. Greece was already largely inhabited by the Ionians, who were also known as “Yavana,” since they were descended from the Biblical patriarch Javan, son of Japeth. Among the Israelites (Danaans) were two notable leaders called Danaus and Cadmus, as noted by Diodorus Siculus.

Danaus is called “Danaus the Egyptian,” whilst Cadmus is known as “Cadmus the Phoenician.” Danaus, who led the Danaans, was said to have been a son of a Pharaoh of Egypt named Bellah. He is reputed to have led the Danaans to where they settled in Achaea (Ἀχαιοί Akhaioí), Argos being their most prosperous city and for that reason, the Danaans are sometimes called Acheans in the Greek Histories.

“They say also that those who set forth with Danaus, likewise from Egypt, settled what is practically the oldest city in Greece, Argos.” (Diodorus Siculus, Library of History, 1.2)

Whilst we can trace no such man called Danaus in the Biblical Exodus account nor in the history of Egypt, we can assume a foundation of truth undergirding the Greek myths and legends centered around Danaus. He is likely the patriarch Dan of the tribe of Dan, one of the twelve sons of Jacob (Israel), whose mother was Bilhah (see Gen.30:1-6). Dan lived several centuries before the Exodus. The tribe of Dan habitually named everything after their patriarch, including themselves. Perhaps the Greeks and their historians assumed that the eponymous patriarch Dan led the Danaans and did not fully understand the origin and history of the tribe of Dan. Most likely a large number from the tribe of Dan migrated to Greece instead of following Moses into the Sinai desert.

Cadmus the Phoenician

The noted leader Cadmus was reputed to have founded the city of Thebes, which became a Phoenician colony This is probably why he was called “Cadmus the Phoenician.” He introduced the Hebrew/Phoenician alphabet into Greece, and this alphabet gradually became the common alphabet throughout all of Greece. Although he was known as a Phoenician, Cadmus was an Israelite. That’s because the Phoenicians were Israelites (which we’ll get to shortly) and were among the waves of Israelites who were moving north and west and colonizing Europe.

“After this Cadmus, they say, in accordance with the oracle he had received, founded Thebes in Boeotia.” (Diodorus Siculus, Library of History, 5.49)

“These Phoenicians who came with Cadmus and of whom Gephyraens were a part brought with them to Hellas, among many other kinds of learning, the alphabet, which had been unknown before this, I think, to the Greeks. As time went on the sound and form of the letters were changed.” (Herodotus, Histories, 5.58)

Troy the Great City
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Legendary Troy is another great civilization that seemed to have appeared from nowhere around the same time that the Israelites were spreading into Europe. Yahweh promised that Abraham’s stock would produce many nations and many kings. Abraham’s great-grandson Judah was assured that his tribe would be the kingly tribe. Judah had twin sons, Perez and Zerah. From the bloodline of Perez came King David, King Solomon, and others. But what kings came from Zerah? His sons are listed in the Bible:

“The sons of Zerah: Zimri, Ethan, Heman, Kalkol and Darda—five in all”(I Chronicles 2:6).

But after these sons are named, they disappear from the Bible. Around the time of the Exodus from Egypt, Zerah is mentioned and he is with his twin brother, Perez. But only the sons of Perez are present. Meanwhile, in Greek history of the same period, famous kings seem to appear out of nowhere with the same names as the sons of Zerah. Calchol (Kalkol) is linked to the Milesians, who later became Irish kings. A King Darda arose in the Troad (West Coast of Turkey), where he founded a colony named Dardania. His people were the Dardanians.

“Of these children Dardanus, who was a man who entertained great designs and was the first to make his way across to Asia in a makeshift boat, founded at the outset a city called Dardanus, organized the kingdom which lay about the city which was called Troy at a later time, and called the peoples Dardanians after himself.” (Diodorus Siculus, Library of History, 4.75.3)

Above is a family tree constructed from Homer’s genealogy of the Trojans. The Greeks often believed they descended from gods so note it would have also included Zeus as the origin of Dardanus in the bloodline.

Darda’s grandson named Tros founded the City of Troy, which he named after himself. The city of Troy and the Trojans became even more prosperous than Dardania and the Dardanians and grew large and wealthy enough to eclipse them. So we can see that the Trojans were Israelites from the tribe of Judah, coming down through Zerah.

“To Erichthonius was born a son Tros, who called the people of the land Trojans, after his own name.” (Diodorus Siculus, Library of History, 5.48)

Zerah’s son Calchol became the Kings of the Milesians, a colony in the southern part of Anatolia (Southwest coast of Turkey). Milesia did not rise to prominence until after the Trojan War. Calchol was another Israelite who founded a great civilization and a kingly bloodline. Throughout history, many kings have claimed descent from the Trojans or the Milesians, or even both. Clearly, these were among the nations and kings promised to Abraham which were to come through Judah. And indeed they were kings of great renown, and that is even recorded in Scripture. A few centuries after the Trojan War, King Solomon is compared for his wisdom to these very kings, most notably Calchol and Darda.

“For he was wiser than all men; than Ethan the Ezrahite, and Heman, and Chalcol, and Darda, the sons of Mahol: and his fame was in all nations around about” I Kings 4:31 KJV.

If Solomon, reputedly the wisest man who ever lived, is compared to these men in wisdom, then these men must have been considerable men of renown. If not then why would Solomon be compared to them? If they were insignificant men, the comparison would be senseless. But knowing that these men founded great dynasties that have lasted to this day and that they were kings of Judah just like Solomon, we can fully understand why the comparison is made in our Bible. The name “Mahol” could be a title meaning “greatness,” as in the “greatness of Darda” and so on. This greatness, this wisdom is our history.

The Colonization of the Phoenicians

The Israelites who followed Moses out of Egypt conquered Canaan and settled there. Around that time, we see the rise of another great civilization, the Phoenicians, which was another “kingdom” coming forth from Israel. Originating from the coast of Israel, the Phoenicians were a confederation of Israelite maritime traders. They gradually set up outposts, seaports, and colonies all across the Mediterranean, reaching as far west as Iberia (Spain) and as far north as Gaul (France), Albion (the British Isles), and Hibernia (Ireland).

Modern historians outright lie and say the Phoenicians were Canaanites, but they weren’t. They couldn’t have been. The Phoenicians only appeared after the conquest of Canaan, during which the Canaanites suffered heavy losses. The Phoenicians were Israelites from the northern coast of Israel, most notably from the seaport cities of Tyre and Sidon, both within the tribe of Asher’s territory. The name Phoenician comes from the unique purple dye from certain seashells that the traders specialized in. At the time, purple dye was rare and valuable. Phoenicians used this purple dye on their sails and banners and thus earned the name Phoenicians, which means purple people.

There are other reasons why the name Israelite was eclipsed by the appellation Phoenician. Most of Greek history (or at least that which survives) was written by Ionian Greeks from the line of Japeth (Adamic but not Israelite). Most of the Ionian Greek historians lived and wrote in Athens, their most populous and powerful city. These Ionian Athenians wrote history from their own perspective. Most likely, they lacked a thorough knowledge of the true Israelite roots of the Phoenicians. These Ionian records make up the history that comes down to us today, but the records are not complete. Regardless of the speculations of modern historians, the Phoenicians were Israelites and not Canaanites.

The City of Tyre was a stronghold of the Phoenicians. By the time King David ruled over all of Israel, the city had grown powerful enough to demand their own king and gain a certain amount of autonomy. The King of Tyre ruled his own territory but acknowledged David as his superior. The Phoenician colony of Carthage, the powerful city-state on the north coast of Africa, was said to have originated from Tyre. So we can see that Carthage as well as Thebes (from Cadmus, one of the leaders of the original migration from Egypt to Europe) were great cities originating from the Phoenicians. After the fall of the Kingdom of Israel and the Assyrian and Babylonian deportations, these Phoenician colonies, which by that time had spread all over the Medditerean and West Europe were cut off and would now be forced to fend for themselves. Carthage was the most prominent of these colonies and rose in power over the centuries. It is most notable for its rivalry and wars with the Romans. However, most of Europe, including all these Phoenician colonies and even Carthage would gradually come under Roman dominion, which resulted in the loss of their history and knowledge of their true origin.

The Dorian invasion into Greece
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It’s helpful to remember that Greece was a collection of tribes with a common culture. The Dorians invaded Greece shortly after the Trojan War. They would become the third major tribe in Greece, after the Danaans and the Ionians. The Dorians primarily became the Lacedaemonians and Macedonians. The Lacedaemonians territory was in the southern part of Greece which most famously included the city Sparta and thus the Lacedaemonians are often called Spartans. The Macedonians were to the north and are best known, of course, for Alexander the Great who united Greece and conquered the Middle East.

Modern historians try to claim that the Dorians came from the north; however, that is completely mistaken and wrong. Homer describes the Dorians as invading from the sea, not northern territories. Furthermore, Homer says the Dorians inhabited the Island of Crete before they invaded Greece. The Dorians were Israelites who originated from the City of Dor in the territory of Manasseh. “Dorian” means “people of Dor” or “people from Dor.” Dor was a major seaport city along the southern coast of Israel. Another nearby seaport city was Joppa, in the territory of Dan. It is reasonable to imagine Israelites sailing from Dor to Greece on a conquest venture. The island of Crete served the Dorians as a place to gather strength and then launch a full-scale invasion of Greece.

Further historical proofs linking Dor to the Dorians are the many so-called Greek artifacts that have been found by archaeologists in and around the location of Dor in Palestine. Of course, that narrative gets the reality backward. These are not artifacts from Greece. These are ancient Israelite artifacts from Dor. The Dorian Israelites brought their artistic culture with them to Greece and continued to develop it there, but they also must have left some artifacts behind. Further evidence that the Dorians were Israelites is found in Josephus, in his record of a letter written by a Spartan (or Lacedemonian, who were also Dorian Greeks) king to Jerusalem about 160 B.C., which is found in Antiquities 12.4.10 (12:226-227):

“Areus, King of the Lacedemonians, To Onias, Sendeth Greeting. We have met with a certain writing, whereby we have discovered that both the Judaeans and the Lacedemonians are of one stock, and are derived from the kindred of Abraham. It is but just, therefore, that you, who are our brethren, should send to us about any of your concerns as you please. We will also do the same thing, and esteem your concerns as our own, and will look upon our concerns as in common with yours. Demotoles, who brings you this letter, will bring your answer back to us. This letter is foursquare; and the seal is an eagle, with a dragon in his claws.” Josephus records a reply from Jonathan the High Priest in Antiquities 13.5.8 (13:163-170), thus verifying the authenticity of King Areus’ letter.

The Dorians gave rise to the Spartans. The Spartans were described as fair and white, so obviously the Dorians must have been fair and white. The Dorians came from the Israelites so the Israelites must have been fair and white. It is the law of genetics that white can only come from white. Kind after kind is mentioned many times in the creation account in Genesis. Race is a genetic fact, not a social construct.

The Israelite Dorians and the earlier Israelite Danaans gradually overwhelmed the Ionian Greeks (Javan), the descendants of Japheth, who originally inhabited Greece. Japheth, a son of Noah, was a white Adamic man but not an Israelite. The Israelites were Adamics who came through Noah’s son Shem and his descendant Abraham. Yahweh chose to extend His covenant through Abraham. This phenomenon of the Israelite tribes subjugating, ruling over, and assimilating the Adamic tribes would continue all over Europe and the entire Adamic world. We will explain this in more depth in later Proofs.

Rome originating from the Trojans

The Romans followed the Greeks. In time, Rome became an empire that ruled the world, and it was under the Roman Empire that Yahshua (Jesus) Christ was born. The Romans originated from the Trojans. In other words, the Romans were also Israelites. Most people know about the Trojan War and the sacking of Troy by the Danaan Greeks (and the story of the Trojan Horse). What many people don’t know is that a remnant of Trojans survivors fled Greece and after a long, meandering voyage settled in Italy.

This remnant was led by Aeneas, a prince of Troy and cousin of the famous Hector of Troy. Aeneas and his men sailed around the Mediterranean, wandering for several years until they finally settled in Latium, Italy. Aeneas married the daughter of the King of Latium, and in time, Aeneas became king and founded a dynasty of kings. The fact that the Trojan remnant settled in Latium is the reason the later Roman language was called Latin. Centuries later, a descendent of Aeneas named Romulus founded the city of Rome.

As time passed, Rome began to conquer and absorb the surrounding city-states. The city of Rome’s power and influence grew and eventually, Rome became the Roman Republic (although technically it was already an empire already by this stage). Then came the famous Roman Empire ruled over by Emperors. Since the Trojans founded Rome and the Trojans came from Judah through Zerah, the Romans were also the descendants of Judah and thus were Israelites. The history of Aeneas, his journeys, the founding of Rome, and thus the descent of Romans from Trojans is confirmed by Strabo.

“…The wandering of Aeneas are a traditional fact…” (Strabo, Geography, 3.2.13)

We also find proof that the Romans were Israelites in the Bible. In Paul of Tarsus’ epistle to the Romans, he states that they (the Romans) once knew Yahweh (only the Israelites had known Yahweh) but that they had corrupted their belief in God and turned Him into a man, adding a whole pantheon of lesser gods and even beasts.

“Because knowing Yahweh, they thought of Him not as God, nor were they thankful; but they became foolish in their reasonings, and were darkened, their hearts void of understanding: alleging to be wise they became fools, and they changed the estimation of the incorruptible Yahweh into a resemblance of an image of corruptible man, and birds, and four-legged animals, and reptiles” Romans 1:21-24 CNT.

It’s crucial to note that according to Scripture, the only people who ever knew Yahweh in the first place were the Israelites. Of all the families or nations on the earth, Yahweh knew only the family of Israel, and only the family of Israel knew Yahweh. Paul was well aware of the fact that Yahweh has revealed Himself and His laws only to the Israelites. “He showeth his word unto Jacob, his statutes and his judgments unto Israel. He hath not dealt so with any nation: and as for his judgments, they have not known them. Praise ye the Lord!” Psalm 147:19, 20, KJV. Yahweh’s covenant was only ever with Israel, so for Paul to claim that the Romans once knew Yahweh shows that the Apostle understood Rome’s origin as dispersed and punished Israelites.

“You only have I known of all the families of the earth: therefore I will punish you for all your iniquities” Amos 3:2 KJV.

Interestingly and tellingly, the name of Jupiter, the chief Roman deity, combined two words: Jove and Pater. The meaning is “Father Jove” or “Jove the All-Father” or perhaps “Jove the Father God.” The letters J and V are both later additions to the English language, so the Romans spelled Jove with an “I” and an “au,” resulting in “Ioue,” a word with four vowels. In old Latin, Ioue was pronounced like Yahweh. ”Pater,” of course, means “father.” This name of the main Roman pagan god is a strong indication that the Romans carried with them into their dispersion and paganism the dim memory of Yahweh the Father God. Paul must have noticed these traces of the name of Israel’s God’s name buried deep within the Roman religious memory and imagination.

The rise of the Parthians
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One more major civilization arising through the Israelite dispersion was the Parthians. So far, we’ve traced the migrations of various groups of Israelites into Europe, but not all the Israelites migrated elsewhere after their initial deportation into the Caucasus region. Some Israelites remained there and eventually dominated that entire area. We know them as the Parthians.

After deporting the Israelites to the Caucasus area, the Assyrians ruled the Middle East for over another century. The Assyrian policy was to invade, annex, then depopulate the annexed region of its native people, moving them elsewhere in the empire as they had done with the Israelites. No doubt this tactic of domination and deportation was aimed at preventing uprisings. However, the tyranny eventually backfired. Various tribes within the empire, notably the Scythians, Persians, and Babylonians, joined forces and attacked the Assyrian capital city of Nineveh. This led to the destruction of the Assyrian Empire.

After the fall of Assyria, large masses of Scythians had begun migrating into Europe (see Proof 1). This left a power vacuum that the Babylonians filled; they seized all the formerly Assyrian territory and created the Babylonian Empire. But in time, the Persians in an alliance with the Medes overthrew the Babylonians. Then Alexander the Great of Macedonia crushed the Persian Empire. Alexander resettled a lot of Greeks, especially Macedonians, in the Parthian lands. As we explained earlier, the Macedonians were Israelites. So the racial reality of Alexander’s empire and of the later Seleucid Empire was that they were Israelite empires ruling over Israelites and mixtures of other Adamic tribes, such as Assyrians, Persians, Babylonians, and Medes. After Alexander’s death, his four generals carved up the Macedonian Empire, which reached from northern Greece to as far east as India and as far south as Egypt. Each general took a chunk of territory and created his own empire and dynasty.

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Originally the Parthian lands were part of the Macedonian Empire east of the Caspian Sea (roughly equivalent to modern Iran). General Seleucus, Alexander’s infantry general, gained the Parthian territory in the Middle East and the Far East. He gave his name to the Seleucid Empire.

But long before that happened, most of the Israelites had been deported to the Parthia region by the Assyrians. While some of these deported Israelites soon set out for other lands, others remained. No doubt, other Adamic peoples lived in those regions, notably the Medes. Historian Strabo tells us that during the Seleucid Empire period, the lands of Parthia was invaded and conquered by two tribes in particular, which he identifies as the Arsaces and Däae, and that both of these tribes were of the Scythian (or Israelite) stock.

So it was that at the onset of the Seleucid takeover, the Parthian lands and surrounding areas were largely populated with Israelites. Strabo explains that the most notable Israelite tribe, the Arsaces, were weak at first due to being continually at war. But they grew strong and conquered so much neighboring territory that they established themselves as lords of all the country inside the Euphrates.

According to Strabo, the tribes of Däae, Massagetae, and Sacae were also Scythians. These Däae, Massagetae, and Sacae were spread throughout the entire region. It did not take long for these Israelites in the lands of Parthia to become independent of Seleucid rule, whilst the other tribes and regions — some Assyrians, Medes, Babylonians, and a mixture of Scythians and non-Israelites — remained under Seleucid dominion. But the Israelites in Parthia not only threw off Seleucid rule, but they gradually conquered all of the surrounding regions. Since their conquests began from Parthia, their later empire was called the Parthian Empire. This name reflects the geographic fact that the Israelites waged their conquest from the land of their deportation, Parthia.

By the second century BC, the Parthians had risen up and pushed the Seleucid Empire aside. The Parthians gained hegemony over the entire Eastern world, establishing their own Parthian Empire which rivaled the previous Assyrian, Babylonian, and Persian Empires, except this time it was Israelites in power first under the Seleucids and then under the name Parthians.

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Every Israelite king in Parthia was given the surname “Arsaces.” This name may be a combination of two Hebrew words: Ar and Saka. The word “Ar” means mountain, high point, and hilltop. “Saka” is the name the Persians called the Israelites. When put together, the two words may mean “highest of the Saka.” If you believe (as many do) that the word “Saka” comes from the name of the Patriarch Isaac, then “Arsaces” would mean the “highest of Isaac,” the title given to the man who ruled over the Israelites (although this linking of Saka with Isaac is speculation rather than proven historical fact).

It should be noted that when the Israelite kings ruled over the region, the Parthians were known as the Arsaces, and the Parthian Empire was called the Arsaces (or Arsacid) Empire. As we’ve already noted, “Saka/Sacae” sometimes with the addition of “Suna” was the name the Persians originally gave to the Israelites. That is (or is highly probable) where the name Saxons (Sacae-Suna) comes from. Although, again, this is much-debated speculation. So the alternative names for Parthia — Arsaces along with Saka/Sacae-Suna — may well come from the same origins as does the name Saxons. This Arsaces name shows us linguistically that these people are the same as the Germanic Saxon/Scythian tribes who had migrated to Europe.

The Parthian Empire lasted about four hundred years. They were most notable for constant back-and-forth wars with the Romans. At various times, the Parthians were involved in the affairs of Judea and Syria. The Romans had conquered both those territories shortly before the birth of Christ. Because the Parthians had occasionally been involved favorably with Judea, the historian Josephus (born shortly after Christ) wanted his books to spread to the “Upper Barbarians” throughout the Parthian Empire. Josephus knew that the Parthians were Israelites. In the preface to his book Wars of the Judeans, he states that he wanted to give a balanced account of the wars, not a biased Roman perspective. No doubt he hoped that his histories would influence the Israelites (Parthians) to the north to assist the Judeans in overthrowing the Romans. But that alliance did not happen. Also, Josephus was ignorant of the fact the Romans were also Israelites.

“… and while those that were there present have given false accounts of things, and this either out of a humor of flattery to the Romans, or of hatred towards the Judeans; and while their writings contain sometimes accusations, and sometimes encomiums, but nowhere the accurate truth of the facts; I have proposed to myself, for the sake of such as live under the government of the Romans, to translate those books into the Greek tongue, which I formerly composed in the language of our country, and sent to the Upper Barbarians… “

Josephus describes the tribes of Israel as an immense multitude beyond counting who lived beyond the Euphrates River. This area beyond the Euphrates was essentially the region of the Parthian Empire. The people within the Parthian Empire must have been an innumerable multitude of Israelites. If they were not, then what the hell is Josephus talking about?

“So he (Ezra) read the epistle at Babylon to those Judeans that were there; but he kept the epistle itself, and sent a copy of it to all those of his own nation that were in Media; and when these Judeans had understood what piety the king had towards God, and what kindness he had for Ezra, they were all greatly pleased; nay, many of them took their effects with them, and came to Babylon, as very desirous of going down to Jerusalem; but then the entire body of the people of Israel remained in that country; wherefore there are but two tribes in Asia and Europe subject to the Romans, while the ten tribes are beyond the Euphrates till now, and are an immense multitude, and not to be estimated by numbers” (Josephus, Antiquities, 11.5.2).

Josephus called the immense multitude “the ten tribes.” This is unfortunate because, in reality, all twelve tribes were present in the multitude beyond the Euphrates. This ten-tribes error has persisted to this day, especially amongst “British Israel” people, and it needs to be corrected. Even the Apostle James speaks of “… the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad …” James 1:1. When the Assyrians deported Israelites from Judea, they also deported Israelites from the villages, towns, and cities around Jerusalem. But they failed to conquer Jerusalem and deport its people, who were mainly the tribes of Judah and Benjamin. Nevertheless, the Assyrians deported people from all twelve tribes who lived outside of Jerusalem. Because Jerusalem was populated largely by Judah and Benjamin, it was an easy mistake to think that only ten tribes had been deported. This error has led to the belief that only ten tribes went to Europe; this is wrong because all twelve tribes were deported except for Jerusalem (at least at that time). With those facts in mind, perhaps a more accurate rendition of Josephus’ words would have been: “There are but a small remnant of two tribes left in Judea, whilst there are twelve tribes of Israel spread throughout Parthia, Asia, and Europe. They are an immense multitude and not to be estimated in numbers.”

After the tragedy of the Assyrian deportation, the Israelites living in Jerusalem began to spread out from Jerusalem and repopulate the surrounding areas. Then about one hundred years after the Assyrian deportations, the Babylonians invaded, conquered, and deported everyone, including the people in Jerusalem. Thus what was left of Judah and Benjamin under the Assyrians were deported under the Babylonians. When a remnant of Israel returned under King Cyrus to rebuild the temple, that number was barely over 40,000.

Europe by the Time of Christ

Once we know about the early migrations of the Israelites and grasp the wide scope of their travels, we can more clearly see the big picture: the whole Adamic world had become an Israelite world. This happened as the early Israelites migrated to Greece; later the Phoenicians colonized the coasts of the Mediterranean Sea and the West of Europe; the Trojan/Romans gradually expanded over all of Italy and then gained control over most of Europe; the Germanic tribes migrated and dominated the North/East of Europe; and finally, the Parthians rose to rule all the Middle East. Truly Yahweh’s promises to Abraham have been fulfilled.

All the former Adamic nations had been transformed into Israelite nations. Just because Yahweh had given the land of Canaan to Israel did not mean that Israel was confined to the Promised Land forever. So even before Moses’ Israelites entered Canaan, other Israelites were already beginning to fan out across the Adamic world. In time, Israel moved to the north and south, east and west, and eventually, the only nations remaining were Israelite nations. Slavs were white Adamic people but not Israelites. While these white Adamics are still amongst us, their nations tended to be short-lived. All white nations now are Israelite nations.

By the time of Christ, Europe was for the most part Israelite. An Israelite world was the perfect time and place for Yahshua Christ’s ministry and for his Gospel to be preached and spread to His people. Since the white Adamic world had been replaced with His chosen people, the Israelites, they would all naturally accept Christianity and naturally transform into Christian nations, bringing any remaining Adamics with them.

Christianized Europe — the seed of Jacob — then colonized the world, creating new civilized white Christian countries. From Europe came all the other white nations and countries of the world, such as the United States of America; Canada; Australia; New Zealand; and South Africa. This historical arc fulfills the prophecy that Jacob’s seed would spread to every corner of the earth. So it was prophesied and so it has happened.

100 Proofs The Israelites Were White Part 4 Read More »

100 Proofs The Israelites Were White Part 3

100 Proofs The Israelites Were White Part 3

Historically, once a white European nation accepted Christianity, there was no going back. Christianity began to spread to Europe very quickly after the resurrection of Christ, as early as the first century for the British Isles. Christianity swept across the entire white world. Over the centuries, tribe after tribe, nation after nation, and even the Roman Empire itself embraced Christianity. Most of our ancestors converted willingly, and once they became Christian, they never returned to their former pagan religions. We became Christian and we stayed Christian.

Never before in history had an entire race converted collectively to a religion. But the Europeans did. From that time, every European nation remained proudly Christian, at least up to our modern times. For centuries, Europe was known as Christendom. As Christ promised, His sheep heard His voice and they embraced Christianity precisely because they were His sheep. “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me” John 10:27. White Europeans were already His sheep genetically. We did not “become” His sheep through a declaration of faith or a trip to the baptismal font. To approach this Proof 3 in another way, we can ask, “Who are Christ’s sheep?” Well, obviously, according to His own words, His sheep are the people and nations who heard His gospel and embraced Christianity. This race must be — proof positive — the lost sheep of Israel who heard their Shepherd’s voice and returned to Him. That race is the white Europeans and no other.

In Proof I, we examined the Germanic migrations into Europe. We see how the ancient Israelites (before their deportations) were given the laws of Yahweh our God. But in time, they turned to paganism, being influenced by the surrounding Canaanites and heathen nations whom they’d failed to exterminate completely according to Yahweh’s command. As corrective punishment, Yahweh caused His erring children to be conquered and deported by the Assyrians. First settled below the Caucuses, many of the Israelites migrated into Europe and became known as the Germanic tribes. During these migrations, the pagan beliefs and practices of our Germanic forefathers evolved; nevertheless, the true original religion of our people was always with Yahweh, in Whose image we were created. The notion that paganism is the true European religion is completely false and fabricated. The idea that Christianity replaced our native paganism is nonsense. To use the analogy of a train, our ancestors had “derailed” themselves by turning to paganism; Christ simply put us back on track.

And we stayed on track for many centuries. It has only been within the past few decades that Christianity has seriously been derailed in Europe and other white countries. How did this happen? It is the result of a concerted antichrist effort to wipe out white Christian nations and Christianity itself. It is the same Canaanite game from centuries ago, only the tactics differ in some ways. Our countries have been flooded with hostile third-world people of different religions. These non-whites hate us, envy us, want to devour our livelihood, and when our resources are gone, they will turn on us with a murderous vengeance. Our governments and educational systems have been infiltrated so as to undermine Christian values and laws. Nearly every deviance is now tolerated under the mirage of “human rights.” Soon enough, under this same banner, all deviancies will be tolerated and even celebrated, including the worst offenses of the pagan world.

Now antichrists in positions of power proclaim that Europe is “post-Christian” and “religiously and culturally diverse.” White Europeans for the most part have been blindsided by these sustained attacks made in the name of progressive liberalism over many years precisely because we have not known our true identity as descendants of the ancient Israelites and inheritors of the promises and prophecies of the Bible. Nevertheless, Christianity stood strong on the European continent for well over one thousand years, and in some countries, nearly two thousand, and it took deliberate subversion from within by the enemies of Christianity to change that.

European Christian colonies all over the world
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Throughout the centuries, wherever white Europeans set up colonies or nations (such as the United States of America), these were Christian colonies and nations. No European pagan colony or nation was ever formed or even proposed. Our ancestors were truly Godly people who took their faith seriously. We see this especially in the creation of America, Canada, South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand. These lands became large and powerful nations for the most part, and their morals and laws were based on Christian laws and the Bible.

On the other hand, no non-white Christian colony or nation has ever existed. Not a single one. Christianity is white. Any semblance of Christianity in a non-white country was brought by whites and enforced by whites, and once the whites left, that country did not remain a Christian country in any meaningful way. Why is that? According to Christ’s words, these non-white nations do not hear His voice because they are not His sheep. Only the white race are His sheep. Throughout history, only one race has been Christian and no other race. Since Christianity is a continuation of the Bible, the New Testament after the Old Testament, the New Covenant after the Old Covenant, is it not logical to conclude that the Christian people, the white Europeans, must be the Israelite people of the Bible? Furthermore, since the ancient Israelites were white, how can any race of non-whites possibly be Israel?

Percentage of Christianity throughout white nations
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Some subverters try to rewrite history and claim that Christianity in white countries was only the “major” religion among many. Supposedly, white lands were rife with paganism and other non-Christian religions all along. But this is ridiculous. Even as late as 1948 in America, 69% of Americans were Protestant and 22% Catholic. Only sixty years ago, at least 91% of Americans were Christians. You’ll find similar statistics in all white nations. For example, Australia. Christianity came to Australia with the arrival of the first fleet of white British convicts in 1788. Christianity grew in Australia to account for 96.1% of the population at the time of the Federation of Australia in 1901.

America, in particular, has been an exceptional Christian nation in several ways. Once the Americans became independent from British rule and King George III, they became very similar to Israel during the period of the Judges. Americans were ruled by a constitution, not a king. The American Constitution put God and His law above everything else, thus making America a truly Christian nation. To see the Christian commitment of the Founding Fathers and early presidents of America, all we need to do is look at some of their writings about God, the Bible, and Christianity. Here are a few of their quotations:

“It is impossible to rightly govern a nation without God and the Bible.” — George Washington, First U.S. President, farewell speech on Sept. 19, 1796
“I am a real Christian – that is to say, a disciple of the doctrines of Jesus Christ.” — Thomas Jefferson, Founding Father, 3rd President of the United States, The Writings of Thomas Jefferson, p. 385.

“Cursed be all that learning that is contrary to the cross of Christ.” — James Madison, Fourth U.S. President
“The hope of a Christian is inseparable from his faith. Whoever believes in the divine inspiration of the Holy Scriptures must hope that the religion of Jesus shall prevail throughout the earth. Never since the foundation of the world have the prospects of mankind been more encouraging to that hope than they appear to be at present time. And may the associated distribution of the Bible proceed and prosper till the Lord shall have made ‘bare his holy arm in the sight of all the nations, and all the ends of the earth will see the salvation of our God (Isaiah 52:10).’” — John Quincy Adams, Sixth U.S. President

These words represent sincere Christian convictions from several Founding Fathers and early presidents of America. There has been a long and concerted effort to deconstruct the Christianity of these leaders, often through manipulation of partial quotations. But America was founded overwhelmingly by Christian men and women who recognized the necessity of Christian morality in public and private life. Despite the modern antichrist culture — which despises Christian law and religion — and bitterly mocks Christian convictions, these words are the words of men who strove to enact a white Christian government.

To recap, historically once white Israelite nations converted to Christianity, they never went back. No white Christian nation has ever by itself sunk back into paganism or into atheism and secularism. The key phrase here is “by itself.” Today, all the Christian nations have been systematically infiltrated by satanic and antichrist forces who have undermined Christian government, law, morals, and society, and even Christianity itself. But God is not mocked. The antichrist may tear down Christian nations for now, but Yahweh’s plan for mankind will prevail.

100 Proofs The Israelites Were White Part 3 Read More »

100 Proofs the Israelites were White Part2

100 Proofs The Israelites Were White Part 2

The Laws of Yahweh exclusively and only for the children of Israel.
Now that we know who the true Israelites are, our next step is to understand that Yahweh gave His law only to Israel. Only Israel. No one else. He gave us His law through Moses, first on Mount Sinai in what we know as the Ten Commandments, and later through Moses’ rulings as the children of Israel traveled through the Sinai Desert to the Promised Land. Many years later, King David praised Yahweh for giving His law to the Israelites alone. “He declares his word to Jacob, his statutes and ordinances to Israel. He has not dealt thus with any other nation; they do not know his ordinances. Praise the Lord” Psalm 147:19, 20.

It follows logically that if Yahweh’s laws are only for Israel, then no other race has His laws nor could ever be expected to uphold His laws. Nor did they. Nor could they. As David said: “They do not know His ordinances.” If we’re looking for the so-called lost tribes of Israel, we need only to examine the moral structures of other races and compare these structures to God’s moral law. We find that Christian Europeans have upheld God’s moral laws for centuries while non-white races haven’t. Yahweh promised to write His law in the hearts of His people. As a result, wherever Europeans go, they build a white civilization based on Christian law and morality. Wherever Africans go, they build Africa, and whenever Chinese go they build China. Non-white races do not (nor are able to) build civilized Christian societies. So you need only answer the question, “Which race follows God’s law?” and you will know who the true Israelites are. Obviously, the white race alone fits this description.

“But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the LORD, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people” Jeremiah 31:33 KJV.

The Laws build a thriving civilization and protect from infiltration
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Even a few decades ago, almost every white man, woman, and child would have known the Ten Commandments by heart. Bibles were in the homes, churches, and even in the schools. White people read and knew their Bibles, to a greater or lesser degree. The average white person feared God and knew that His law should be upheld. But that is no longer the case. Most modern white people have only a vague idea of the Ten Commandments or any of God’s other laws. So here is a list of the Ten Commandments, which can be found in Exodus 20:

You shall have no other gods before Me.
You shall make no idols.
You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
Keep the Sabbath day holy.
Honor your father and your mother.
You shall not murder.
You shall not commit adultery.
You shall not steal.
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
You shall not covet.

Although God’s moral code is broadly condensed into these Ten Commandments, Yahweh gave many other laws to Moses and the children of Israel as they journeyed to the land of Canaan. These other laws include prohibitions against usury, sodomy (or homosexuality as it is called today), bestiality, race-mixing (race-mixing is a form of adultery as it adulterates the bloodline), and the eating of pork, shellfish, and other food laws. Yahweh commanded the children of Israel to be a separate and holy people, dedicated to Him as His servant race. On this basis, we were allowed interaction with the other Adamic races, such as the Egyptians, Persians, and so on, but we were forbidden interaction with the non-Adamic races: the Nephilim, Rephaim, and Kenites, to name but a few. Yahweh warned that if we mixed with non-Adamic races, they would always be pricks in our eyes and thorns in our sides. In other words, their ungodly and immoral ways would tempt us into sin and lead us astray. And that certainly has been the case.

These moral laws are our Creator God’s blueprints instructing us how to build a moral, functioning, thriving civilization. They are a loving Father’s directions to His children. You only have to look at any European nation to see the truth of this. Yahweh’s commandments teach us what virtue is and they train us how to live properly. In addition, they protect us from antichrists, the enemies of God, and therefore our enemies. If we followed God’s laws (which we are not doing for the most part), these laws would prevent non-Adamic people (the enemies of God) from infiltrating our societies and undermining our Christian morality and civilization. Intermarriage with them would be forbidden. These non-Adamics and antichrists are the “tares” or weeds in the Gospel parable of Matthew 13:24–43. If we uphold God’s laws and punish those who break His laws, these immoral non-Adamics would be cast out from amongst us. They would not be controlling our banking and making our laws or parasitically draining our resources and bringing their mayhem, immorality, and chaos into our societies. We certainly would not be race-mixing with them.

Christ is Yahweh and His Laws are forever
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Some modern people hold the mistaken opinion that the Ten Commandments and other laws of God were temporary. That is not true. The moral law is forever. It never expired, although the Levitical ritual laws were retired once Christ came. Since the moral law did not pass away, every generation of Israelites is required to follow it. Christ Himself told his followers: “If you love me, keep My commandments” John 14:15. He was referring to the same Ten Commandments and the subsequent Biblical laws that He, being God, had given to Moses and our ancestors.

In the Gospels, Christ gave His followers an additional commandment: “A new commandment I give you; love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another” John 13:34–35. No man can just appear and make new additions to God’s commandments; only God Himself can do that. And Christ is God. Furthermore, if a new commandment is made to complement and complete the old ones, we are still expected to keep the other commandments as well. In Christ’s name, we are commanded to truly love and care for one another; that is, to care for our white brethren. As true children of Yahweh, we are our brothers’ keeper — our white brothers and sisters — but this commandment to love each other is all too frequently twisted to incorporate other races. If we want to obey Yahweh and be a separate and holy people, we must keep His law, especially this one.

The Ten Commandments and God’s other laws are the inheritance of Israel, and when the early Israelites branched out into Europe and beyond, they brought the moral laws with them, in one form or another. Once the dispersed Israelites had adopted Christianity, they brought with them not mere memories of the law but explicit Christianity. Other nations do not have God’s law, unless and except white Christian civilization introduces and enforces that law on them. But even then, law and order don’t take root with non-white races. God’s law is not in their nature, and it is certainly not written on their hearts. Once the white man leaves, the dark races sink back into barbarism, as has happened in South Africa.

Non-Adamites corrupt our societies
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In fact, ever since the law was given to Israel through Moses, Israel alone has upheld (or tried to uphold) those moral laws right up to this day. Promising obedience to Yahweh’s law, the children of Israel journeyed from Sinai into the land of Canaan. As they entered the land, Yahweh commanded them to fully exterminate the evil Canaanites. He warned if they didn’t, the Canaanites would be pricks in their eyes and thorns in their sides and would vex and corrupt Israel and entice them away from God’s law. The Israelites failed to heed Yahweh’s warning and did not exterminate all the enemies of God, and the remaining Canaanites did indeed corrupt Israel into the worship of idols and murdering their children, prostitution, race-mixing, and all kinds of evil, dark, pagan practices.

“But if ye will not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you; then it shall come to pass, that those which ye let remain of them shall be pricks in your eyes, and thorns in your sides, and shall vex you in the land wherein ye dwell” Numbers 33:55 KJV.

Because Israel did not obey Yahweh and instead turned to paganism, even mingling with the Canaanites and adulterating their bloodline, Yahweh sent corrective punishment on His nation, His family, largely in the form of war, conquest, and deportation. He punished our ancestors precisely because we are His family and so that we would repent, learn, and grow into the holy race and nation that He wants us to be.

“Hear this word that the LORD hath spoken against you, O children of Israel, against the whole family which I brought up from the land of Egypt, saying, You only have I known of all the families of the earth: therefore I will punish you for all your iniquities” Amos 3.1–2 KJV.

Centuries later, Israel was forcibly separated from the accursed Canaanites when the Israelites were deported by the Assyrians. At first, the Israelites were settled near the Caucasus Mountains, but soon swaths of them began migrating into Europe. Once in Europe, they became great nations — just as God had promised Abraham — and in time, these former Israelites became Christians. Through Christ’s Gospel, they were able once again to know and keep the Ten Commandments and Yahweh’s moral law.

No matter where you go in Europe (or any white country), you will find moral law and innate respect for law and order. Is this not further proof that white people are the Israelites of the Bible? It’s only since the infiltration of our white governments and nations by these same antichrist Canaanite people that our countries have become secular and begun to depart from the Christian laws that our forefathers established. Once again, we, the descendants of Israel, are being corrupted by the descendants of Canaan. But this time, the Canaanites have managed to deceive the Israelites (Western Christian nations) into believing that they, the Canaanites, are the true Israelites. So the Usurpers vaunt themselves as the moral authority, vaingloriously boasting of a heritage that was never theirs. They have stolen our identity and set themselves up as a moral authority even over God. It is these deceptions we are attempting to rectify in these Proofs.

In our current culture, we are experiencing exactly the same problem our ancestors faced when they entered the land of Canaan. Back in their time, our ancestors lived in proximity to the remaining Caananites (those whom the disobedient Israelites had not exterminated) and those Canaanites gradually corrupted them. In our time, the Caananites have followed our European civilizations wherever we have gone; they have gradually and stealthily infiltrated and corrupted our white Christian societies. One difference today is that these Caananites don’t call themselves Canaanites. They wear a mask and go by a different name, which is based on the identity that they have stolen from us. They have cleverly woven a web of deceit around the real identity of the children of Israel, and as is their Canaanite nature, they work tirelessly to drive a wedge between us and our obedience to Yahweh.

God’s Laws are found within all European white societies

This Canaanite deception is why the most important tasks of our lives are to uncover the truth that the ancient Israelites were white, that we are their descendants, and to separate ourselves from lies and people who are not of God. There are many irrefutable proofs that the ancient Israelites were white, but for this particular Proof 2, we need but honestly ask, “What people have kept the Ten Commandments up to the modern time? Whose societies were built on God’s moral law? What nations keep the moral law as their inheritance?” When we look at the traditional Christian European countries and compare them to, say, Africa or India or Haiti, we see that only white Europeans have been the inheritors of God’s moral law. Our law systems and governments were built upon the Bible. God promised that He would write His law on the hearts of His children; consequently, we white Europeans have naturally accepted and followed God’s laws, whereas other races have not nor are they capable of doing so.

“But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the Lord, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people” Jeremiah 31.33 KJV.

We Europeans and the white countries we’ve created have consistently been the only civilization which traditionally opposed practices prohibited by the Bible, such as usury, sexual deviancy, paganism, pornography, prostitution, homosexuality, pedophilia, bestiality, race-mixing, abortion, witchcraft, cannibalism, gambling, and other vices. Except for usury — which was illegal in Christian nations until it was allowed by the Roman Catholic Church in the Middle Ages (which by that time had been infiltrated and corrupted by antichrist forces) — these sinful practices were all outlawed until Europe became secular and atheistic in recent times, again under Canaanite influence and persecution under various guises. “Social justice” causes such as rights for sexual deviants are in reality antichrist, Canaanite acts of aggression and war against white Christian civilization, with the same ancient goals of leading Israel into perdition. Now we have laws, statutes, even church doctrines that are contrary to the Christian ideals upon which our white ancestors built our Western civilization. Many, many sins that are natural to the non-white nature are now norms in our corrupted Christian cultures.

Non-whites lack our innate respect for God’s law. Seek as you may, you’ll not find the Christian sense of morality and respect for law in non-white nations. This is because white Europeans alone are the true descendants of the ancient Israelites, and we are the only race to have Yahweh’s law written in our hearts (and in our nature). The Bible tells us that God’s law was only for Israel, not the other nations (Ps. 147:20). Why is that? Only the white race (whether Israelites or Adamites) was created by God; other races are not His creation. They are evil corruptions of God’s good creation. He made only that which is good. The white Adamic race alone has been given His spirit; other nations have the spirit of their father, the devil. Even within our white countries right now, we can witness non-whites scheming, rioting, and even murdering to tear down law and order precisely because “they do not know His ordinances,” and know only the law of the jungle and chaos. Law and order feel like oppression to them and they will have none of it.

But white Christianity has always known, upheld, and respected Yahweh’s ordinances, and you can find many written proofs of that attitude in our older legal literature. For example, renowned English jurist and member of parliament Sir William Blackstone (1723–1780) put into these memorable two quotations from his Commentaries on the Laws of England the attitude of the white Christian man and woman toward law and order: “The Bible has always been regarded as part of the common law of England” and “No enactment of man can be considered law unless it conforms to the law of God.” Blackstone’s writing also had a tremendous influence on America’s Founding Fathers.

No non-white race can conform itself to the law of God. Yahweh’s law is not written in their nature. Only the white race has been shown to have this noble and Godly attitude toward law, order, and morality, and this is one more proof that the white peoples are the Israelites.

100 Proofs The Israelites Were White Part 2 Read More »

100 Proofs the Israelites were WHITE V2.0

100 Proofs The Israelites Were White Part 1

We Europeans are everywhere. Of course, we’re mostly in Europe, the British Isles, North America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Russia, and other white countries that we have founded and where we belong (and where all third-world people want to move). On every continent and in every corner of the world, you’ll find the descendants of white Europeans. Wherever we’ve gone, we have thrived and built Christian civilizations based on God’s laws rather than the law of the jungle. Non-whites have never been able to achieve this on their own. Even if whites establish a Christian civilization for them, they cannot maintain it (unfortunate South Africa is but one example).

However, we whites have not always been scattered across the world. We did not always live in Europe; nor were we always called Europeans. To rediscover our forgotten origins, we must go back to God and His Scriptures. Our presence across the earth and our unparalleled accomplishments of Western Civilization were prophesied in the Bible long ago when Yahweh made His covenant with Abraham, who was white, and to Abraham’s white progeny. It has always been our God-given destiny to be the greatest race to ever walk the earth. Long before we migrated to Europe, we lived in the Middle East. That was over 2,000 years ago. And, yes, the Middle East was white back then, and this is where we were born as a people. We whites were and still are the original Biblical Israelites. We are Abraham’s genetic children, the people with whom God made His covenant.

How did this expansion from the Middle East to Europe happen? Fundamentally, it began when the Israelites were freed from slavery in Egypt. As we well know, most Israelites followed Moses into the Sinai Desert and forty years later, conquered the land of Canaan. But not all the Israelites went with Moses. A sizable group broke away when they first left Egypt and this group set sail for Europe. The others followed Moses. Then some years later, in conquered Canaan, another swath of Israelites — descendants of the Israelites who had followed Moses — migrated during the Judges and Kingdoms periods and also set sail for Europe. We know about these migrating Israelites from ancient secular history and stone inscriptions rather than from the Bible, which focused on the Israelites in Canaan.

However, the largest migration came with the Assyrian deportations in 722 BC, when masses of our Israelite ancestors were uprooted from the Promised Land and resettled near the Caucasus Mountains. Some of these Israelites stayed in the Caucasus area and eventually became the Parthian Empire, but large numbers migrated over the Caucasus mountains and into Europe. These Israelites morphed into the multitude of Germanic tribes who swarmed across Europe and eventually conquered and destroyed the Roman Empire. Since our purpose here in Proof 1 is to show that we white Europeans are the Biblical Israelites, we’ll concentrate on these later migrations of Israelites who became the Germanic tribes. We’ll cover Israel’s earlier migrations in later Proofs.

These migrations are our forgotten beginnings as white Europeans. Our journey as a race happened under the direction of Providence and according to prophecy. We did not indigenously sprout up across Europe as Frenchmen and Italians, Londoners and Dubliners, Swedes and Finns. All of these modern white nations and designations grew from the same genetic root: the tribes of Israel. Europeans of all stripes share the same ancestors. Those ancestors were the adventuring Israelites tribes who came crashing onto the European landmass all those centuries ago. As their numbers multiplied, they split apart into their own territories and their own unique tribes but were collectively known as the Germanic tribes. Our Germanic forefathers became the Franks, Saxons, Angles, Frisians, Danes, Swedes, Goths, Vandals, Lombards, Celts, and many other tribes. With the eventual advent of Christianity, these peoples founded new nations and built the greatest civilization (Western Civilization) ever to exist.

These original Germanic tribes, they are our people. We come from them and we carry their genetic heritage to this day, and yet, most of us do not know our own identity. This means although we may refer to ourselves as English, or French, or American, and so on, in reality, we are men and women of the tribe of Dan, or Judah, or Ephraim, or one of the other twelve tribes. We have forgotten our ancestry, and we have assumed new nationalities. To remedy this unfortunate situation, let’s take a closer look at the story of the Germanic tribes, which is really our story. Our ancestors did come from Europe nor did they “evolve” within Europe from primates and Neanderthals, as we are misinformed by pagans, antichrists, and secular white nationalists. We white Europeans are not chimps out of Africa nor pond scum. We have very deep, very ancient genetic roots, in another land. Certain peoples who have different and antagonistic roots would prefer that we remain ignorant of our real early history.

In the books of Chronicles in the Bible, we read that the Israelites were conquered and deported by the Assyrians around 740 BC. Empires such as Assyria used deportation to subdue and control conquered nations. Once defeated, the Isaelites were deported into regions just below the Caucasus Mountains. Those displaced Israelites are sometimes called the “lost tribes,” but that’s a false designation. How lost or misplaced could these people have been if we know they were settled near the Caucasus Mountains? It wasn’t the tribes who were lost; it was the memory of their identity as children of Israel that was lost. In these Proofs, we intend to reclaim that identity.

The Assyrian Inscriptions
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The important question is, what happened to these people? Does their story end with their deportation? If they eventually forgot that they were Israelites, did history also forget them? Indeed, history did not forget our ancestors. We can be thankful that their story has been preserved in the many stone inscriptions and other historical landmarks and findings that modern archeology has dug up during the past two hundred years. In these two centuries, archaeologists have unearthed in many Biblical locations the story of the lost tribes. One such site is Ninevah, the ancient capital of the Assyrian Empire. Many stone pillars and tablets have been unearthed and, you might say, these stones talk and narrate our ancient history. When translated, these records show that the Assyrians, the Persians and Medes, the Babylonians — all talked about in the Scriptures — really did exist. The Assyrians really did conquer Israel and really did deport millions of Israelites.

But the narrative isn’t always straightforward due to the fact that the Israelites weren’t always referred to as Israelites. Different peoples called them by different names. For instance, these Assyrian records called the Israelites by the name of Cymri or Bit Cymri. If you’re coming across this information for the first time, you might be thinking: “How is he getting Israelite out of Cymri? These words don’t sound alike at all.” And you’d be right. They don’t. That’s because the names Cymri and Bit Cymri come from the Assyrian perspective and tongue. The Assyrians called their captive people (the Israelites) by the name of the King of the Northern Kingdom of Israel at the time. This was the famous King Omri (his name has also been translated as Humri and Amri). The Assyrians transliterated the name into Cymri and Bit Cymri (possibly due to a harsh guttural beginning “c” sound in the original Hebrew). “Bit Cymri” means “the house of Omri” or “the people of Omri.” King Omri, his reign, conquest, and deportation can all be found in the Bible in I Kings (3 Kings in the Septuagint, LXX) Chapter 16.

It should be noted that in older translations of the Bible, King Omri used to be spelled King Cymri. However, since it was pronounced with an initial guttural “gggg,” it’s likely that people other than Hebrews had difficulty pronouncing the word, and hence the Assyrians went with a modified transliteration they could pronounce more easily, Cymri. In the King James Bible (by the 17th century), the translators decided to modify certain spellings in order to simplify pronunciation; as a result, they modified many words such as Cymri to start with a vowel instead of a consonant. This is the reason why we have King Omri in our Bible, but the Assyrian inscriptions call him Cymri.

Evolution of Cimmerians to Scythians and Galatea
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During the reign of the Assyrians, the Israelites became known as Cymri. The Assyrian Empire was vast and far-reaching, therefore the lingua franca (the common language, especially for trade) was Akkadian (the Assyrian language), so other surrounding nations also began to call the Israelites by these names, although in their own transliterated versions. The Greek historians called the Cymri by the name of Kimmerioi (Κιμμέριο) which modern translators anglize to Cimmerians. These same Greek historians tell us that these Cimmerians migrated out of Assyria, from the regions to which the Israelites had been deported, and that they eventually migrated into Europe. Since the Greeks lacked a guttural sound in their language, they pronounced the name Cimmerians with a “C” as we would say “kill.” The Romans used a “k” instead of a “c” and so called them Kimmerii.

It would certainly be easier if the traveling tribes of Israel were always called by the same name, but they weren’t. We have to deal with that historical reality. The early changing of their name is understandable, and perhaps to be expected. After all, conquered and dispersed people generally do not get to insist on their own name. With the passing of many generations in new lands, the original name may have passed from memory. As the tribes of Israel pushed farther into Europe, their name was modified again and again by people with yet another language.

Nevertheless, we can track the names historically, and the evolution of their name tells a fascinating story in itself. The Babylonians transliterated Cymri to Khumri, thus the name remained virtually identical. The Persians however called the Cymri/Khumri by a new name altogether: the Saka/Sacae (Sakā) or Saka Suni, which means the Sons of Saka (some people believe Saka is a shortened form of Isaac). From the Saka Suni, we get the more modern name of Saxons which is still with us to this day. Saxons is a combination of Saka and Sons.

The evolution of names doesn’t stop there. As the Cimmerians or Saxons invaded more of Europe, they gained two more names: Scythians (Scythae/Σκύθο) and Galatians (Galatae/Γαλάται). Scythians means “tent dwellers,” and the Israelites may have given themselves this name because they were nomads and therefore did indeed dwell in tents. “Scythian” is a corruption of the Hebrew word “succoth” meaning tent. Galatae was a name given them by the Greeks and may be related to the word “milk” since the Hebrews lived on the products of their cattle. Since the Greeks drank primarily wine and not milk, the Greek historian Homer mocked the Galatae for being milk drinkers. Eventually, these Israelite tribes who were now called Scythians and Galatians spread out all over Europe, to the east, to the north and west. By around 300 BC, some tribes began raiding Northern Italy and after numerous victories against the Romans, they sacked Rome. The Galatians, who had taken part in the destruction of Rome, were eventually repelled and moved into what we call France today. The Romans shortened the name Galatae to Gauls (Galli).

The Germanic Tribes
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Now we come to the final name: the Germanic tribes. None other than Julius Caesar gave us this concluding name that has lasted until today. Caesar distinguished between the Gauls (Galatea) who had settled in today’s France and intermixed with the native population and the Gauls who settled in the region now called Germany. France at that time was called Celtica, as Celts lived there. The Gauls in what we call modern France occupied a region originally called Celtica, which had been previously settled by the Phoenicians (another Hebrew tribe who had arrived in Europe much earlier) and the Gauls and Phoenicians likely merged with each other. But it should be noted that this “intermixing” is Julius Caesar’s perspective. He thought of the Phoenicians/Celtica as a different tribe or race than the Gauls. But in fact, these two tribes were both originally Israelites. Caesar called the latter Gauls in modern Germany (who had not mixed with any previous tribe since they were the first settlers in those cold lands) Germani, meaning “genuine,” “authentic,” “true,” and “sincere.” He perceived these Germani as a purer breed than the Gauls in France. The tribes in Germania — the Saxons, Scythians, and Cimmerians — would gradually adopt their new name of Germania or the Germanic peoples.

The first-century Greek historian and geographer of the Greek and Roman worlds, Strabo, described the Germans or all of Germania as an enormous mass of people beyond counting who inhabited the lands beyond the western Rhine and as far as the Black Sea. Essentially this shows that at that time, the landmass from the border of France all the way to the Black Sea was all considered Germania. In other words, the Germanic, Cimmerian, Scythian people controlled and occupied all of the territories north of the Roman Empire, what we today consider Central and East Europe. Historians such as Pliny the Elder further verify this. Pliny recounts that the people known as Germans or Germani were also called Scythians and Cimmerians. “The name of the Scythians is everywhere changed to that of Sarmatae and Germans,” he wrote (The Natural History of Pliny the Elder, Book 4, Chapter 25). These historical documents prove that these people were all one and the same people no matter what name was attached to them.

To sum up the transformation of the Israelites into Europeans: After being deported by the Assyrians, the Israelites migrated from Assyria and Media through the Caucasus Mountains. From there, they traveled into Europe and became known as the Germanic tribes. Later, they solidified into the modern European peoples and nations. That is why today Europeans are collectively called Caucasians. We white Europeans came from these Germanic tribes. Our people were originally deported from the lands of Israel and Judah. Thus as we trace our lineage back in time, we can know with certainty that we are the Israelites, the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. We are the people of the Bible. We are the inheritors of the Biblical promises and prophecies. There is no true Christianity without a true understanding of this ancient history. We are the Children of God and the Bible is our history and no one else’s.

100 Proofs The Israelites Were White Part 1 Read More »