100 Proofs The Israelites Were White – Part 13
In today’s world, it’s generally assumed as fact that the populations of the Middle East and North Africa have always been what they are now. In other words, that the people living in these areas have always looked like they do today. For example, the Egyptians have always looked like the current population of Egyptians throughout all time. For the most part, this continuity of peoples is assumed and taught regarding all places in the world. It’s taken for granted that the demographics of nations and places have never radically changed and that the DNA of the current populations is the same as those who founded those nations. However, this is a complete lie and an absurdity.
Let’s examine why. Firstly, as we’ve shown in earlier Proofs, it’s easily demonstrated that long ago the European people migrated out of the Middle East and moved into Europe en masse. This is a historical fact, although it’s usually buried and hidden. Clearly, if the Europeans originated in the Middle East, then logically at one point the demographics of the Middle East were different than they are today. America is another example. People tend to assume that the United States was always a mixed-raced nation, as it is today. But it wasn’t. Originally, America was a country of white Europeans, founded for white Europeans and their progeny. But that is conveniently forgotten now. Or if it is recalled, it is derided and condemned.
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