100 Proofs The Israelites Were White Parts 1-10
We Europeans are everywhere, we are on every continent and in every corner of the world. Of course we’re mostly in Europe, the British Isles, North America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Russia. Wherever we’ve gone, we have thrived and built Christian civilizations based on Yahweh’s laws. However we were not always spread across the world, at one time we were within the bounds of Europe. And at one time we went by different names, our tribal names, Saxons, Angles, Franks, Danes, Jutes etc. The question is if we come from the Germanic Tribes, then where the Germanic tribes come from?
Now on the other hand most people these days have at least a basic vague outline of the story within the Bible. How Yahweh made a covenant with Abraham (2000 BC), later Yahweh led them out of Egypt under Moses, how the Israelites invaded the land of Canaan, but eventually were deported by the Assyrians (722 BC). From here on all trace of the Israelites fades in history. So when we put one and one together, we have Europeans originating from the Middle East and the Israelites disappearing in the Middle East. Could there be a connection?
100 Proofs The Israelites Were White Parts 1-10 Read More »