Throughout the Gospels, Christ used many allegories and metaphors to describe and distinguish His people from the infiltrators and devils that He warned us to beware of. In virtually all these teachings, everything good and positive is associated with something white, golden, or shining bright or brassy. Everything bad, negative, and evil is associated with blackness or darkness. For example, He refers to His people allegorically as “the salt (which is white or light colored) of the earth,” “the light of the world,” and “being white for harvest.” He uses comparisons such as “sheep and goats” and “wheat and tares.” The sheep and the wheat are generally white or gold, but nevertheless, they can be difficult to distinguish from the goats and the tares (the infiltrators) which can also be light-colored. Furthermore, the kingdom of heaven was likened to leaven hidden in flour. Lastly, the angel at the tomb of Christ whose “countenance was like lightning” and “raiment white as snow” must have been white. Angels throughout scripture are indistinguishable from men, thus the men of Judea must have been white as well.
When Christ preached, the ordinary people around Him were described as working at jobs that would fit into any white society today. They worked as scribes, lawyers, judges, money-changers, priests, publicans, soldiers, prison wardens, physicians, tanners, fishermen, carpenters, vine-dressers, husbandmen, potters, stewards, tent-makers, and builders. Today we may use modern and updated names such as engineer, plumber, electrician, driver, professor, politician, etc. but nonetheless, we have the same social structures of a thriving white society that existed in the Old Testament. Unless these structures were imposed by colonial whites, the other races never had these structures.
In Mark 13:9-10, Christ foretells that persecutions would come upon His disciples and followers: “But take heed to yourselves: for they shall deliver you up to councils; and in the synagogues ye shall be beaten: and ye shall be brought before rulers and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them. And the gospel must first be published among all nations.” Throughout the entire Roman period, no records exist of non-white people being persecuted for spreading Christianity. Only white Israelites suffered the terrible afflictions of being burnt alive and fed to lions in the name of Christ. Therefore the Judeans who spread the Gospel must have been white.
The apostle Luke was Greek by race and he recorded that Christ came solely to save Israel. He recorded Mary proclaiming in Luke Chapter 1:54-55: “He hath holpen his servant Israel, in remembrance of his mercy; As he spake to our fathers, to Abraham, and to his seed forever.” Luke also quoted Zacharias in Luke 1:71-74: “That we should be saved from our enemies, and from the hand of all that hate us; To perform the mercy promised to our fathers, and to remember his holy covenant; The oath which he sware to our father Abraham, That he would grant unto us, that we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies might serve him without fear….” If Luke knew that Christ came only for Israelites to fulfill the promise to Abraham, how does that fit with Luke being Greek? What exactly was he doing recording a Gospel for another people? He also quoted Paul of Tarsus in Acts Chapter 26: “I stand accused for the hope of the twelve tribes of Israel.” In other words, Paul’s mission was solely for the Israelites in Europe. Paul must have explained to Luke that Luke was an Israelite just like the Europeans. In Luke Chapter 2, Luke wrote: “There went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed.” Here we see Luke’s idea of “all the world” was solely the Greco-Roman world and did not include other races of people.
In the Gospel of John, John records Christ’s confrontations with His enemies in more detail than do the other gospel writers. John recounts that Christ called His adversaries the descendants of the “murderer from the beginning,” who can only be Cain the first murderer. Also, John notes in his Epistles that Cain was of “the wicked one.” This wicked one can only be a Fallen Angel. He cannot be Adam as Adam was not “the wicked one” because everything Yahweh created was good. When we correlate this information from John with the history of Judea from Flavius Josephus and Strabo, our eyes are truly opened. These historians tell us that Edomites were living in Judea alongside Israelites. For over a century before Christ came, Judea had been gradually infiltrated and subverted by Edomites. From Christ’s comparison, we know that the Edomites looked very similar to the white Israelites. Many Edomites could pass as Israelites, thus making it difficult to know who was who. Since in the succeeding centuries, the Edomites have dogged the Israelites wherever we have gone, we should understand that the Edomites have passed themselves off as Israelites in all of our European civilizations. This fact should lead us to realize who is really in control now. If only our people would listen to Christ’s warnings.
Throughout the Bible, there are numerous mistranslations of certain key words, which when combined, lead to the Bible overall being read and interpreted in a corrupt way. The clear narrative of Fallen Angels creating “Nephilim” or “Fallen One” in opposition to Yahweh God’s creation is obscured. The Adamic race being eternally in opposition to these “Nephilim” or “Seed of the Serpent” is lost as well. Ultimately the true purpose of Yahweh creating the family of Israel to oppose and eventually overcome the “Serpent Seed” goes over people’s heads completely. A warped Christianity prevails in the mind’s of our people, where it is believed that Christ came for everyone to bring all peoples together. As we will see, it is Satan, the race of Cain who desire to mix all peoples together and rule over them just like at the tower of Babel. Whilst Yahweh’s plan is the exact opposite to keep His people Adamic race, which now is predominantly the family of the Israelite Europeans, separated from the other peoples out there.
Nations or Gentiles?
All through out the Bible the term Nation is frequently mistranslated as “Gentiles”. In Hebrew it is “Goyim” and in Greek it is “Ethnos.” Both should virtually always be translated as “Nation”. When combined with the fact that we are taught today that “Gentiles” means “non-Jew,” it leads to entire passages misleading the reader into something they never meant. Generally, this opens the door to the deception into believing that the Jews are the Israelites and the Europeans are the “Gentiles”. Most mistranslations of “Nations” are in verses relating to the spread of Christianity, making it sound like Christ changed everything and sent the Apostles to the “Gentiles.” That the Old Testament is exclusively for the Israelites, but the New Testament changed and under Christianity is universalist for everyone. This is a lie, in reality the Apostles, were going to the many “Nations” which Abraham’s seed was promised to one day become. The nations which had sprung up over the centuries from the Israelites spreading into Europe and building new nations. There is no “Gentiles” or other people outside the Israelites in any of the promises.
Gentile is a Latin word derived from “gentilis.” Originally it meant “of the same clan or race.” It is likely that when the earliest Latin translations in the 3rd and 4th century were made, they translated “Goyim” and “Ethnos” to “Gentilis,” to show they were nations of the same race as the Israelites. However overtime this understanding got obscured and now many centuries later virtually all English translations snuck in this Latin word, obscuring the original meaning. Why did the English translators need to borrow a Latin word into English in order to help understand a Hebrew word which simply means nation? There is no need it should be translated as nation.
Physical Seed or Spiritual Seed?
Where ever the Bible says “seed” or “father,” it is frequently taught this doesn’t mean “physical seed” or a “physical father” but “spiritual seed” and a “spiritual father.” Yahweh made numerous promises to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob that their physical seed would spread everywhere, inherit the world and become many nations. Because most Christians are ignorant that the Europeans are the Israelites, who accomplished all these glorious things, they are duped into believing that the promises must mean “spiritual seed.” That one can become Abraham’s seed, an Israelite or a Christian merely by believing and that is how these promises were fulfilled. That Abraham is a “spiritual father.” Virtually all Christians have been duped into this believe by the antichrists.
However Christianity is Yahweh God, coming down in the flesh to exclusively bring His Israelites back to him and there is no room for any other people. Through out scripture there is one constant narrative, everything is about the physical children of Israel and nobody else. The “spiritual seed” nonsense is an attempt to make Christianity something it is not and never has been, a universal religion. Christianity is not a religion, or a philosophy, rather it is a relationship, a marriage between Yahweh the God of this world and His people, His wife the Israelites. All the promises were fulfilled with the physical Europeans. This is the understanding all Christians should have.
What is Fornication and Adultery?
Fornication primarily means mixing, as the Apostle Jude explained it was “the pursuit of different flesh.” In Genesis we learn what a true marriage is where Adam after calling Eve “the flesh of my flesh, the bone of my bone” that “a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.” An adamite man and a woman, coming together is therefore a true marriage and they would be the same flesh. From this we understand Jude’s reference to “different flesh.” As there was also Nephilim out there, descended from Fallen Angels who were not the same flesh as Adam. Additionally a man sleeping with another man’s wife could be considered fornication, as would “casual sex”. These were out of the bounds of what Adam considered a marriage. When an adamite man and woman slept together they were one flesh, forever.
This brings us to adultery. It is likely during the Old Testament period, adultery meant mixing. In the ten commandments, one commandment is “do not commit adultery.” Another is “do not covet your neighbour’s wife.” Did Yahweh give two identical commandments? Or does adultery mean mixing and coveting a man’s wife refer to an extramarital affair. Would that not make more sense? Regardless by the New Testament period adultery generally meant an extramarital affair and the new term fornication meant race-mixing.
Today our civilization and culture has been corrupted to add in the concepts of “girlfriends” and “hookups” and “one night stands,” but all of this is non-biblical. Society also encourages woman to divorce their husbands and we have many broken families, with children being raised fatherless. This is all by design of the antichrists. In today’s politically correct world, virtually all Christian teachers hide away from the true meaning of fornication and merely teach that it means adultery.
A Generation or Race?
In the New Testament, race is frequently mistranslated to generation, which filters down the direct message Christ, John the Baptist and others made with their disparaging remarks to their opponents (the Pharisees and Sadducees). For example when they asked Christ for a sign, he responded: “A wicked and adulterous race seeks a sign, and a sign shall not be given to it.” (Matthew 12:39 CNT) So Christ had no interest in converting them, based on their race. Then when talking about the resurrection, He explained that the “men of Nineveh shall rise up in the judgment with this race and they shall condemn it.” So even the Assyrians will be in the resurrection but Christ’s opponent wouldn’t be, due to their race.
Christ compared the kingdom of heaven to “a net cast into the sea and it gathers from out of every race.” Then as for where the races go “the good ones into vessels, but the rotten ones they cast out.” Here we see clearly, heaven only lets a good race in and the evil ones are tossed out. It has nothing to do with believers and non-believers. All of Christ’s other parables describe is in a like manner, it is consistent. Christ’s separates on sight, due to race, not behavior.
John the Baptists refereed to his opponents as a “race of Vipers.” He was linking them to the Serpent of Genesis, i.e. the Fallen Angels, that his opponents were descended from them. All of these teachings can be argued away when “generation” is used instead of “race.” With the true translation, the Gospel reads quite differently.
Jews, Judahites or Judeans?
The term “Jew” did not get used until much later, after the New Testament was written. Generally wherever the translators have “Jew” it should be “Judean” instead. After the Babylon deportations, some Judahites, Benjaminites and Levites returned and rebuilt a nation, which became known as Judea. However as we’ve explained, later the Judeans began converting surrounding nations and peoples, particularly the Edomites. From that time forwards, being a Judean lost the meaning of being a racial ethnic distinction and simply became a political distinction. Furthermore Judea came under the rule of Rome and simply became a province within the Empire, becoming even more of a melting pot of mixed people now calling themselves Judeans.
Just like today British, or American does not mean the original racial stock of people who founded the nation. Therefore when reading the New Testament, you should realize not only should “Jew” be translated as “Judean.” But also it simply meant someone living in Judea, who could be of any race, so long as they followed the Judean customs of the time. With this understanding you will realize that during Christ’s ministry there were some legitimate Israelites, but also many impostors. The mistranslations lump them all together as one group. With this, we understand why Christ was continuously stalked, hounded and harassed by his opponents. They weren’t Israelites, but they were Judeans. We also understand why Christ warns of “those who call themselves Judeans but are not and are the synagogue of Satan.” Satan being all the descendants of the Fallen Angels collectively. Synagogue meaning the gathering, the organization, the leadership of these hordes, to invade the lands of the true Israelites (Europe).
What is the World?
The term “World” generally refers to the scope of where the Adamic race is, not geographically the entire land mass of the world. By the time of Abraham the narrative shifts more narrowly, to where the children of Israel are and the rest of the Adamic race are ignored. “World” is often mistranslated from the Hebrew word “Erets” which simply means land. For example Noah’s flood covered the whole “land” where the Adamic race was. However under the false narrative of a modern universalistic view which always tries to insist that all races in the world descended from Noah. They must also insist the flood covered the whole world. However, if we examine other examples of “Erets” such as during the plagues of Egypt, is is translated that the plagues came upon “the whole land [Erets].” We can see clearly see that this was a localized event, yet when Noah’s flood is mentioned it is instead translated as “the whole world [Erets].”
When you realize the flood was local, that there were non-Adamic people who survived the flood, then you’re whole world view and biblical view will change. Noah’s flood was intended to destroy the sinful Adamites, but some of the descendants of Cain and Nephilim survived. Furthermore the spread of Christianity to the whole world, in the context of the Israelites being the world, so only to them. Any other people outside that are irrelevant. As Solomon explained: “For in the long garment was the whole world, and in the four rows of the stones was the glory of the fathers graven, and thy Majesty upon the diadem of his head.” (Wisdom of Solomon chapter 18:2) In other words, the twelve stones for each tribe upon the high priest represented the whole world, the twelve tribes of Israel are the whole world. That is the lens you should read the Bible through.
The two Mans – Adam & Enosh
In the Bible there is the Hebrew word “Adam”, referring to Adam and/or his descendants (Adamites), but then there are also other Hebrew words to describe different races of men. From this we can gleam that we are not all the same and do not all share the same origin. The Hebrew word “Enosh” which means “mortal man,” sometimes can describe Adamites (usually in a derogatory manner) but sometimes non-Adamites. You must always examine the context. For example Moses said: “Thou turnest man [Enosh] to destruction; and sayest, Return, ye children of men [Adam].” (Psalm 90:3 KJV) Here we see that all “men” die, but Adamites specifically, upon death return to Yahweh due to the immortal spirit breathed into him. Without the distinction of Enosh and Adam in this verse this teaching is lost in the Psalm.
In Genesis we read “this is the book of the generations of Adam.” It the story of the descendants of Adam and his descendants only. By the end of Genesis it has moved onto to the Israelites exclusively, although they are still Adamites, just one peculiar family of Adamites. Anyone else mentioned is generally only if the Israelites come into contact with them. The Genesis 10 table of nations is so that we can understand and trace people back to Adam or realize they are not from Adam. For example we see later on in Scripture that there are Nephilim, Rephaim, Zuzim, Kenizzites, Kadmonites, Girgashites. These races are from the Fallen Angels. Mixing with the was forbidden, but if they did the result would be bastard offspring.
What is a Mamzer?
The Hebrew word “mamzer” means a mixed race, non-Adamite. Generally most translations have “mamzer” as “bastard.” This is fine if “bastard” is understood in it’s true meaning. However Churches generally teach they only they the authority to marry couples and teach that a “bastard” is someone born to unmarried parents. Unmarried in the sense a Priest did not marry them officially at an altar. This is a complete heresy and changes the definition of a “bastard.” Churches will also happily accept mixed races of people into their congregation so long a priest married them. Yahweh states that “A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the LORD.” Deuteronomy 23:2 KJV
When Adam and Eve lay together there was no priest, the same can be said with all the Patriarchs through the Bible. Furthermore when Tamar seduced Judah and birthed Pharez and Zarah there was no priest, it was a one night stand, yet in the eyes of God that was a marriage, Judah and Tamar were now husband and wife. Christ came through the line of this marriage and he was certainly never counted as a bastard. However when Esau married the daughters of Heth, all of his offspring would be “bastards” as he had mixed offspring. This we understand why Yahweh hated Esau as he knew his actions ahead of time. That is the true understanding of a “mamzer” and a “bastard” which the churches do not teach today.
Strangers, Guests and Aliens
These are various Hebrew words for strangers, guests and aliens in the Bible, yet they often all get translated as “stranger” which causes inconsistency and confusion. When a non-Israelite entered the land they may expect to receive certain rights and privileges based upon this. Generally Adamic people had to be treated friendly, whilst non-Adamites were shown no such privileges. This is why Moses went to Cush which would have been Arabia at the time and married a Midianite, and that was fine. Yet when Esau married Hittites he lost the birth right, as the Hittites had intermarried with the race of Cain, therefore Esau’s descendants would be mixed. That is the clear distinction. Jacob’s wife were Pagans yet his twelve sons were blessed, therefore it clearly is not the belief, but race that matters.
Furthermore another seemingly inconsistency is not understanding that once the children of Israel had settled in the lands of Canaan for a few centuries, they began calling Israelites by the region they lived in. For example Ruth, who is in Christ’s genealogy is referred to as “Ruth the Moabite.” She was an Israelite living in former lands of Moab, but was called a Moabite for that reason. Antichrists would insist that Christ had a Moabite in this ancestry, but that is not the case.
Bastards means mamzer
As we have explained Arab means “to be mixed” and when referring to people means “mixed people.” During the time of King Solomon (950 BC) the land of Cush got renamed to Arabia and consisted of various tribes intermixed, including Edomites and Canaanites. As a result Israelites could never be sure of the origin of the people living there. Thus they were all labelled as “Arabs.” Mamzer is more definite, meaning a non-Adamite. Whilst Arabs were considered mixed but there still could be some Adamites remaining there at that time. Over the centuries we can be sure by now there no longer are.
Holy, Sanctified and Saints
The Israelites are a Holy race to Yahweh their God, because He has separated them from the rest of the world: “you shall be a special treasure to Me above all people; for all the earth is Mine. And ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation.” That itself is the true meaning of Holy, something “separated and dedicated to God.” Thus a so called Christian priest or whomever can never make anything holy, as it is something only Yahweh himself can do and he only separated the children of Israel, nobody else.
Therefore all Europeans are holy and they exclusively are the saints and sacred and sanctified, nobody else. This is why Peter is his Epistles referred to the Europeans as a “Holy Race.” Whilst Israelites in this life can be disobedient and follow the world instead of Yahweh, ultimately in the next life they will accept Christ as his blood has already cleansed them.
Satan, the Serpent Seed and the Devil
Most Christians today falsely believe this is some supernatural fallen angel floating around that is “The Satan” and is behind everything evil in the world. In reality that Satanic entity is identified in Genesis 3:15 “I will put emnity between thy seed and the seed of the woman.” The Seed of the Serpent aka the Seed of he Fallen Angels are all collectively “The Satan.” They are eternally opposed to Yahweh’s Adamic creation aka the seed of the woman. Therefore there is an entire race of beings on this earth which are collectively “The Satan.”
However the word “Satan” itself is another harmless basic Hebrew word which simply means adversary or opponent. If you play a game of chess, then your opponent would be a “satan.” Therefore when Christ said to Peter “Get behind me Satan.” He simply meant Peter was being adversarial to Christ as he was trying to prevent Christ from dieing which was necessary to save the children of Israel. Once Peter repented he was no longer a “satan.” An Israelite can choose to be obedient or not, his choices in life will determine his reward in heaven. Non-Adamites do not have this option they are collectively part of “Satan” regardless of their actions. They are corruptions of Yahweh’s creation and opposed to his Adamic creation.
Christ himself explained this in the end times parable of the sower: “He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man;The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one; The enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels. As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world.” Here we see that our interpretation is uphold by Christ himself who tells there are seed in this world sown by the devil which he explains in revelation are the Fallen Angels.
Therefore whilst we in this life can have our own personal enemies amongst our own people, we can understand Christ telling us to “turn the other cheek.” Meaning to not hold grudges and be quick to forgive our own people. We should certainly NOT have this attitude with non-Adamic people as they are Christ’s enemies, therefore also our enemies and we are commanded to remain separate from them.
Nephilim and Giants
In Genesis 6 we learn that the Fallen Angels produced offspring by mating with Adamic woman. However the result, their descendants is mistranslated to “giants” from the Hebrew word “Nephilim.” A better translation would be “fallen ones.” The Angels that rebelled and corrupted Yahweh’s creation fell from grace and produced a fallen race, hence the name “fallen ones.” Whilst evidently some Nephilim grew to be a gigantic size, not all of them were.
In Enoch we also learn that the Fallen Angels mixed all of creation together, creating monsters and hybrid races, so they weren’t only mixing with Adamic woman. Thus if Noah’s flood was local and his ark landed somewhere in the Middle East. The Adamic civilization restarted there and all Adamic families looked the same. Gradually they encountered other races as they spread out. The Canaanites who originally were Adamic intermixed with Nephilim, therefore their descendants would be Nephilim and we understand what happened when the spies sent out by Moses reported back: “we saw the Nephilim, the sons of Anak, who come of the Nephilim; and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers.” Evidently some were of gigantic stature and we also see here that the Nephilim survived the flood.
We Europeans also have discovered numerous races as we spread out across the world. Logically they must be remnants of the Nephilim descended from the fallen angels before the flood. We must realize every non-Adamic biped’s origin must be with the Fallen Angels and they are all Nephilim. When Christ warns us that the end times will be like the days of Noah, looking around all of our cities and nations today, how we have become completely overrun. We should realize we are in the days of Noah right now and surrounded by Nephilim just like Noah and his family was thousands of years ago.
Devils and Demons
Throughout the New Testament Christ is casting out “demons,” which are described as evil spirits which posses men. However a few times the translation can be confusing, as it interchangeably uses “devil” and “demon.” Simply put a “devil” is a more up to date name for the archaic Hebrew word of “Nephilim.” Evidently “devils” and “Nephilim” can look very close to an adamite. Whilst a “demon” is the result when a devil dies, an evil bodiless spirit that roams the earth. Evidently Adamite have an immortal spirit but non-adamites have an evil corrupt spirit. When Christ returns he will destroy them all.
The important thing to note is Christ tells us speaking to the Pharisees that “they are of their father the devil and he was a murderer from the beginning.” They descend from Cain who was the first murderer and that Cain was a “devil.” This statement alone proves two seedline. That Cain couldn’t be the son of Adam, as if he was how could he be a devil? But if he was descended from a Fallen Angel, he would be part Angel, part Adamite and therefore not part of Yahweh’s creation and therefore a bastard, a nephilim a devil. In addition all of his descendants would be devils, as kind begets kind and we understand why the Pharisees and all their descendants are devils as well.
Satyrs and Shades
In the Old Testament is a point where the Hebrew word “Nephilim” falls out of use and instead “satyr” is used until the New Testament period and “Devil” is used. A “satyr” originally was part man and part beast, most notably part ape. So the Israelites understood there were “men” out there who were part beast and part fallen angel. In the Dead Sea Scroll version of Enoch we may see why: “[ . . . two hundred] 2donkeys, two hundred asses, two hundred . . . rams of the] 3flock, two hundred goats, two hundred [ . . . beast of the] 4field from every animal, from every [bird . . . ] 5[ . . . ] for miscegenation [ . . . ]” (1Q23 Frag. 1 + 6) This is heavily fragmented, but we can make out that the angels mixed their seed even with animal kind. Therefore the Nephilim not only are part angel and part adamite, but also part beast. Thus we understand why the term “satyr” might be applied.
Being Saved – Salvation or Preservation?
In the Bible there is salvation which is being saved with an eternal life and then it preservation which is being saved in this life and can also include your seed being preserved. Most Christians these days falsely believe that one’s owns actions can determine if you are saved in the afterlife, when in reality Christ saved the entire Adamic race. As for being preserved, most don’t fully comprehend that only Abraham’s seed through Jacob had a guarantee from Yahweh that they would be preserved until the very end, i.e. the return of Christ. All other Adamic families in the Middle East gradually got mixed out of existence. But realizing there is a racial Adamic salvation we understand why Christ explained that one day in the resurrection “The men of Ninnevah” meaning the Assyrians and the “Queen of the South”, meaning the Sabeans (Cushites) will be there with us, as well as the preflood Adamites that Christ went to visit before being resurrected. Even though all of these people have nothing to do with Christianity, they are Adamites and therefore will be resurrected.
Therefore it is important to truly understand why someone has an afterlife. Adam was given an immortal spirit which was breathed into them and originally Adam was created to be immortal. Christ explained the only way to get in heaven was with “spirit and water”, meaning you must be an Adamite and possess the spirit. He also clearly explained the sheep go to heaven and the goats to the lake of fire. It’s not good sheep and good goats separated from bad sheep or bad goats. Their actions and believes are never taken into account. Rather Christ separates them on sight, either they are a sheep or they are a goat and that it was truly matters. The same can be said with the parables of the wheat and the tares, the race of good fish and bad fish. It’s always separated on sight based on their kind.
So the Israelites were warned by Yahweh they would be preserved but it came with a catch, that he would punish them for their sins in this life: “You only have I known of all the families of the earth: therefore I will punish you for all your iniquities.” (Amos 3:2) this is what John the Baptists describes as Christ immersing us in fire: “He shall immerse you in the Holy Spirit, and in fire!” Meaning if we breaks his commandments we can expect punishment in this life to correct us. Paul explained to the Corinthians in regards to what they should do to a fornicator in their community: “deliver such a wretch to the Adversary, for destruction of the flesh, in order that the Spirit may be preserved in the day of the Prince.” (1 Corinthians 5:5 CNT) Here we see that the Pagan world was equivalent to being delivered to the adversary but also crucially that despite his sins, the man would still be preserved and be in heaven on day.
Overall therefore we should only have brotherly love for our own kin. What truly matters is that we as a people repent and turn away from the wicked world, with Mystery Babylon we live in, that is what Yahweh truly wants us collectively to do. If one believes that salvation is personal that a persons believes or actions in this life decide whether they can be saved then it opens the door to the false believe that non-Adamites can be saved or that an Adamite can somehow condemn himself to destruction. You can see how not have an understanding of the truth leads to all sorts of problems and false believes.
“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” – 2 Chronicles 7:14
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