The Europeans are the People of the Bible.

Introduction to Mark

Introduction to the Gospel of Mark: What is the Source of the Gospel?...

Where Did The Lost Tribes OF ISRAEL Go – To EUROPE!

One of the biggest mysteries of the Bible, is what on earth happened to the 10 Lost Tribes? Where...

Who was Nathanael? Simon or Bartholomew?

What is the most logical conclusion to reach from the Gospel accounts?...

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One of the biggest mysteries of the Bible is where did the 12 Lost Tribes of Israel go to? Did they just disappear? The purpose of this website is to answer that very question, to spread the truth that the Israelites were never lost and never disappeared, but in fact migrated into Europe under different names. These names range from the Scythians, Cimerians, Sakea, Gaulic, Celtic and Germanic Tribes. They eventually split up, destroyed the Roman Empire, and became the Saxons, Angles, Jutes, Danes, Franks, Frisians, Goths, and many other related tribes and peoples. The point is, the people of the Old Testament are the exact same people as the New Testament. The European people, who as a whole accepted Christianity, are in fact the genetic descendants of the Israelites. The Bible is our family book and our history. We deserve to know our heritage!

Proof 41: What The Gospels of Christ Teach About Race
"I come only for the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel." Yahshua Christ

Welcome to our website and channel. Here you will find information on the Bible and history which is imperative for Christians to know, but for the most part is not widely taught or understood. You may think that you know Christianity, because you have inherited doctrines from certain sects, but the truth is that Apostolic Christianity has not been taught for over 1800 years. The faith as we know it, the Way inherited and taught by the apostles; was shoved out of the way for a new creed more palpable to a universalist Roman Empire. 

Noah’s family was white and the Adamic nations of Genesis 10 which came from Noah, started off as white. We say started as white, as they eventually mixed themselves out of existence. This means the mighty Egyptian Empire, the fearsome Assyrian Empire and all other Adamic Empires. Such as the Babylonians, Persians, Medes etc. All originally were great vast white civilizations. To understand the present you must understand the past. To understand what is happening to all Europeans nations today you must understand our history. Our present, white European nations are not the first to be overrun. This has happened many times previously in history. Christ warned us that in the End Times: “It would be like the days of Noah.” In Noah’s time, Noah was the last Adamic family that had not mixed with the Nephilim and God only spared his family amongst the Adamic people. If you believe Christ, you should understand that what happening to our nations now, was destined to happen. To find out more about the previous Adamic Nations see the videos below:

All European Nations descend from Abraham, from Isaac, from Jacob and from the twelve tribes. The Israelites were promised to become great nations and a great people once again. To be the Christian people of the world. To spread out across all the world. To be a great blessing to where ever they went. To be farmers and an agrarian society, blessed with an abundance of food. To be exceptional sea-farers, traversing the vast oceans and reaching all across the world. To go on to control all the seas and all the ports. To dominate all the resources of the world. To be the center of all civilization. Obviously, the only people who fit this description and these prophecies and thousands more are the Europeans. This process first began, where the Israelites began to replace the other Adamic nations. Abraham’s seed was destined to inherit everything. The former Adamic nations were pushed them aside, whilst many were already destroying themselves by mixing with the Nephilim. By the time of Christ the Israelites had come to dominate the Adamic world. All that remained was for His gospel to reach them and for them to become Christian.

Please consider donating to support our work. If you found the 100 Proofs the Israelites Were White Videos helpful and believe it will aid our people, why not support the project? It is my ambition to branch out and also make the 100 Proofs Project into a Book. As well as to continue update the project with better higher quality videos. With donations I can devote more time to this project and additionally commission artwork to up the quality of both the videos and books.

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The truth that not only were the Israelites white but that we, the European people, are the only real and only true descendants of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and the twelve tribes of Israel. The Bible from beginning to end is about the history of our race, as are all the many prophecies. Praise Yahweh, hail Christ, all glory to Him.

These 100 Proofs build their arguments from Scripture, both Old and New Testaments, together with ancient and modern history, and in-depth language studies.

It has been a tremendous effort to build this list and we praise Yahweh for allowing and helping us to do it. A special thanks to everyone for all the help and support I have received over the years. The list has gradually been adapted and refined over the years, with tremendous feedback that has greatly aided me. We have labored together, as we should as Israelite men and women, building the kingdom and body of Christ here on earth. Your assistance has been much appreciated. Truly, thank you.

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